Why al-Jazeera is a threat

Jeremy Scahill is spot-on; the Arabic news channel does what the vast bulk of Western media refused to do since 9/11; remain unembedded with American foreign policy goals: The real threat Al Jazeera poses to authoritarian regimes is in its unembedded journalism. That is why the Bush Administration viewed Al Jazeera as a threat, it…

West Bank and Gaza Arabs likely to march in numbers, too?

Amira Hass in Haaretz says it’s highly unlikely because Palestinians are exhausted and both live in police states. They wonder; what would it really gain? On Thursday, January 20, a group of young people wanted to demonstrate their support for the Tunisians. As is customary nowadays, they organized themselves using Facebook and e-mail. And in…

What Egyptian uprising says about the desperate desire for freedom

The Arab world is shaking. Crowds are seething. Anger is everywhere. Egyptian protesters are showing America, Israel and Mubarak what they think of them. Some of the latest reports here and here. From Al-Jazeera: The internet has been central to these protests, though impossible to tell how important. In an age of mass surveillance, it’s…

What Palestine Papers say about “our” Arab mates

Interesting and necessary: Some Fatah leaders are likely to accuse al-Jazeera of having an anti-PA agenda by publishing the leaked documents, which they believe will benefit their Hamas rivals, backed by Iran — as shown in critical comments about the TV station in the documents themselves. Relations between al-Jazeera, the most widely watched TV channel…

The indignity of being colonial losers in Palestine

Sigh: Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat has dismissed the documents released by Al Jazeera… that show… private offers by PA officials to Israelis on contested issues… than previously revealed as “a bunch of lies”. In… an appearance on Al Jazeera shortly after the documents… were released on Sunday,… Erakat said the Palestinian leadership had “nothing to hide” and dismissed most of…

Hello America, there is a world outside Martha Stewart

Wonder why the American public is largely ignorant about the world? They’re fed content to make them obsessed with themselves: America was founded upon the principle of liberty and freedom, but guess who was covering the quest for freedom in Tunisia extensively yesterday? Al Jazeera, not the American news TV Networks. I am utterly disgusted…

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