Is Qatar unduly affecting al-Jazeera’s clarity?

Al-Jazeera is a truly unique news service that covers the world in a way that no other global network does. However, there is always a risk when the major sourcing of funding is a Middle East dictatorship: Qatar is using the Arabic news channel al-Jazeera as a bargaining chip in foreign policy negotiations by adapting…

The deep love between Canada and Israel

Fascinating Al-Jazeera/Avi Lewis documentary on the incestuous relationship between Israel and Canada. Australia take note. Defending every Israeli action – war, occupation, humiliation – simply makes you look like a clueless idiot with no principle. But at least Washington will love you:

Britain desperate to insulate Zionists from examination

How far will Western states go to protect the Zionist state from legal prosecution? Israel has postponed all strategic dialogue with Britain in protest at a law which allows UK courts to prosecute visiting Israeli officials for alleged war crimes. Strategic dialogue between the two countries takes place annually and focuses on defence and security…

Al Jazeera’s Listening Post on Wikileaks Iraq documents

The Wikileaks Iraq files continue to cause robust discussion around the world. Al-Jazeera’s weekly media show, Listening Post, examined the impact of the latest revelations and how some journalists preferred to focus on the personal life of Julian Assange rather than the fact that the US had turned a blind eye to Iraqi torture and…

Peace doesn’t sell on our TV screens

How we view war, conflict and peace and our place in the world is primarily through the media. It’s no wonder, for example, that truly peaceful spokespeople (as opposed to generals and “officials) are routinely excluded from the debate: The Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) and Media Tenor today announced the results of “Measuring…

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