What Goldstone is experiencing is typical Zionist thuggery

Doron Isaacs, a Jewish South African, tells Al-Jazeera English in response to Richard Goldstone being barred from attending his grandson’s Bar-Mitzvah: There is a belief amongst right-wing Zionist organisations that defaming and humiliating Jewish critics of Israeli policy will set an example that would intimidate others into silence.

When most Iranian Twitter fiends were actually living in the US

Food for thought. Moeed Ahmad is the head of New Media at Al Jazeera and he spoke a few months ago at Australia’s Media 2010 Conference. An astute reader pointed out this clip and he comments about Iran’s so-called Green Revolution in 2009: Moeed studied the “Twitter” accounts of posters purporting to be in Tehran…

Why al-Jazeera listens to Gaza

Ayman Mohyeldin, Gaza correspondent for Al Jazeera English, tells Democracy Now!: …Since the launch of Al Jazeera International, we have been committed to covering the story of Gaza and the people there under siege. We think it’s the important, if not one of the most important, stories in the region and in the world and…

Yes, a US official sits and talks with Hamas (that’s news, apparently)

Al-Jazeera reports on a story that shows the rather pathetic fear that accompanies even meeting an Islamist organisation. Better watch out, you may catch the resistance bug: I could not believe my eyes this morning at the Al Jazeera Centre for Strategic Studies conference on Political Islam.…  Perusing the programme I noticed a panel that…

US drone attacks are not legal

An interesting Al-Jazeera English report that explains how the American use of pilotless drones in the “war on terror” has no legal framework. Good to know the world’s only super-power operates illegally:

The Zionist lobby, an honest look on Al-Jazeera

The kind of debate that only really happens on Al-Jazeera. A discussion on the Israel lobby, Iran, settlements and Palestine between Israel Lobby co-author John Mearsheimer, Electronic Intifada co-founder Ali Abunimah and Israel lobbyist Meagan Buren: Now, after the AIPAC conference, Benjamin Netanyahu has returned from Israel and finds a problem. Poor lad. Here’s Akiva…

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