Al-Jazeera hosts debate on Israeli apartheid

Bless al-Jazeera English. A discussion about Israel Apartheid Week, asking questions about the definition of apartheid itself, the reality about occupation and rights of Jews and Arabs. This kind of debate simply wouldn’t appear on most Western media outlets.

When the mosques are being attacked, Israel is going too far

An interesting report on… Al-Jazeera on Israel’s increasing targeting of Muslim houses of worship in the occupied territories. As… my tipster tells me: I was in Cape Town a couple of years after the formal end of apartheid and visited an area which had been seized from its “coloured” inhabitants for the exclusive use of whites.…  Every…

New York Times Jerusalem reporter remains a story (as it should)

The story of New York Times Jerusalem bureau chief Ethan Bronner having a son now enlisted in the IDF continues to cause angst across the world. This Al-Jazeera report outlines the issues and provides evidence for the prosecution, namely that Bronner’s reporting is inherently more sympathetic to the Zionist line: The Times itself has followed…

Haiti from the centre of hell

The devastation in Haiti is heart-breaking but most of the Western media is missing the key reason behind the chaos; the militarisation of humanitarian aid. Some of the finest reporting I’ve seen is from Democracy Now!, now in Haiti itself. Here’s Amy Goodman explaining the chaos and producer Sharif Abdel Kouddous detailing the trauma. Jeremy…

GFM claims success in flying the flag for Gaza

My following article appears in today’s Crikey: I attended the Gaza Freedom March (GFM)…  in late December to generate publicity for the disastrous Western-led policies towards Palestine. 1400 people from 43 countries descended on Cairo on December 27 and aimed to travel into Gaza to “break the siege”. Palestine has become a truly globalised issue…

The story of a life in Gaza

The extended Al Samouni family, some 48 men, women and children, was attacked in the homes they occupied together in the south of Gaza – and almost all of them were killed. Thirteen-year-old Almaza – ‘Jewel’ – is one of the very few who survived the attack in which 30 members of her family died,…

On the streets of Cairo, the people of Gaza are remembered

I’m just back from the streets of Cairo. Massive protests today for the people of Gaza and we were met with Egyptian state security brutality. Suffice to say, around 500 internationals and some Egyptians still protested in a major Cairo square and intend to remain there for the remainder of the day. Al Jazeera reports…

Gaza Freedom March decides not to allow Egypt to divide and conquer

The latest on our Gaza Freedom March, via al-Jazeera, conveys the high drama currently taking place in Egypt and beyond. Solidarity with the people of Gaza should always be the central concern: Members of an international group gathered in Cairo to protest against the siege of Gaza have rejected an Egyptian offer to allow… 100 of…

Understand that last year’s Gaza assault was only the beginning

Gazans are remembering their dead after Israel’s attack. But according to the New York Times: In the year since Israel launched its devastating military offensive against Hamas in Gaza, the country’s political and military leaders have faced intense international condemnation and accusations of possible war crimes. But Israel seems to have few qualms. Officials and…

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