Spreading the word of a crazy Jesus

The West wonders why many Muslims hate the Americans? Military officials at Bagram are caught on tape urging US soldiers to evangelize in the Muslim country. UPDATE: The US military has responded to the al-Jazeera story…by shooting the messenger.

American war criminals inc.

Laith Mushtaq was… one… of only two non-embedded cameramen working throughout the April 2004 ‘battle for Fallujah’ in which 600 civilians died. He recounts the harrowing US-led massacre: One day, I think it was April 9, 2004, someone with a loudspeaker in Fallujah’s main mosque said: “The Americans will open a gate and women and children can…

We have no idea what is going on there

Philip Rizk, 27, is a freelance journalist and blogger who has been reporting from Gaza since 2005 and was taken by Egyptian security forces after a pro-Palestinian rally in Cairo on February 6. He was released a few days later without being charged. While in Gaza, he filmed The Palestinian Life, a documentary highlighting non-violent…

Hamas still rules, aka Israeli failure

American investigative reporter Seymour Hersh speaking at an al-Jazeera conference in Doha, Qatar about the recent war in Gaza: Suppose Israel did less bombing, They would have done better. I saw no reporting on the six month period leading up to the conflict in which Israel attacked Gaza. The Israelis didn’t know that much about…

Behind the evil

My following review of Paul McGeough’s book, Kill Khalid: Mossad’s failed hit…and the rise of Hamas, appears in the March edition of the Australian Literary Review: At a pro-Israel rally in London in January, one Jewish participant compared fighting Hamas terrorism with treating cancer: “When you treat cancer you kill some of the innocent blood…

Yes, this is a democracy

Al Jazeera on the media wars in Venezuela and the ways in which so much of the Western press, including the New York Times, simply echo Washington’s positions:

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