The noble war in Afghanistan is against 100 people?

Let me get this straight. Tens of thousands of Western troops are fighting in Afghanistan because of this or are we actually occupying the country for another reason altogether? In an EXCLUSIVE interview on “This Week,” CIA Director Leon Panetta told host Jake Tapper that there were “at most” only 50-100 Al Qaeda in Afghanistan.…

Reporters must back war, demands Murdoch man

Some journalists, especially in the Murdoch press, see themselves as backers of wars that are invariably “noble”, “important”, “vital” and “about freedom”. So here’s Fox News’ Geraldo Rivera hammering Michael Hastings after his article on Stanley McChrystal: While guesting on The O’Reilly Factor tonight, Geraldo Rivera compared writer Michael Hastings (whose article in Rolling Stone…

My people like to slam all Muslims as terrorists

A new blog on the Foreign Policy in Focus website, Focal Points, aims to present a different perspective on the world. A recent post highlights the resistance to new mosques in America and guess who is fanning the flames? It has been said before that Al-Qaeda’s greatest victory was not September 11th but Abu Ghraib.…

The secret war in Somalia

Ghaith Abdul-Ahad is one of the finest war correspondents in the world (see Iraq). His latest report is from Somalia, a truly hidden war and a most brutal one. Why is some of the world now caring about the country? A minister explains: For the first time in many years the international community is interested…

Blumenthal’s latest: Tel Aviv is alive to the sound of radicalism

From the streets of Tel Aviv, the chant of “Death to the Arabs” was heard on 1 June outside the Turkish embassy. Max Blumenthal reports: On June 1, 2010, thousands of Israelis gathered spontaneously in front of the Turkish Embassy in Tel Aviv to demonstrate in support of the Israeli Naval commando unit that killed…

Public opinion is lost

While Israeli bloggers debate the rights and wrongs of this week’s Gaza flotilla massacre (there’s something right about it, I hear you ask?) this piece of news is pretty damning: Israel was tonight under pressure to allow an independent inquiry into its assault on the Gaza aid flotilla after autopsy results on the bodies of…

At least some Australian Jews condemn the outrage

The following statement was just released by the Australian Jewish Democratic Society: The terrible and deplorable deaths and injuries that occurred on board the Turkish flagged ship, the Mavi Marmara, one of a convoy of ships attempting to deliver humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, are not only heartbreaking for the immediate families of the…

Israel says al-Qaeda was related to the Gaza flotilla (yes, seriously)

Boarding a ship in international waters and arriving with commandos from helicopters. Yes, Israel clearly made a defensive move. And I thought the Zionist lobby keeps on telling us that Gaza is no longer occupied. Here’s the latest Israeli government spin, predictable and pathetic (perhaps they should claim that Bin Laden was on the Gaza…

The concerned Australian legal liberal who wants Israel to act humanely

Leading Australian legal academic Ben Saul wrote back in March that Israel should no longer be a protected species in the international arena. He’s back with an equally strong statement. And note the growing number of public figures who no longer accept Zionist exceptionalism: Britain’s expulsion of an Israeli diplomat is a lesson for Australia…

Is Bin Laden in Washington DC?

A unique interview in the US this week between Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and ABC’s George Stephanopoulos: Stephanopoulos: If you did know that Osama bin Laden was in Tehran, would you show him hospitality? Would you expel him? Would you arrest him? Ahmadinejad: I heard that Osama bin Laden is in Washington DC. Stephanopoulos: No,…

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