Norway should go much further against Israel

Amira Hass in Haaretz: The question is not why Norway divested from the defense electronics giant Elbit Systems, but why only now, and why only from that company? The country that gave the name of its capital city to what the world thought of as a peace process is still invested in companies involved in…

Racism is the heart of this Israeli democracy

Amira Hass in Haaretz: The most amazing thing about the wave of murders in recent weeks has been the collective Israeli stupefaction at the discovery of violence in our midst. Once again we have displayed our talent for excluding from the discourse the daily violence inherent in our continued domination over the Palestinians and their…

A hidden side of the Gaza war

Amira Hass writes in Haaretz: Forty Palestinians from the Gaza Strip were incarcerated in Israel Prison Service facilities during Operation Cast Lead at the beginning of this year, and 21 are still in prison. That’s a very small number, compared to the many hundreds the Israel Defense Forces arrested in Gaza, and as compared with…

The silencing of an important voice

This is concerning news sent by Israeli human rights group New Profile: Dear Friends, This morning I by purely chance learned Haaretz had fired Meron Benvenisti.…  I phoned him and he confirmed this, relating that Haaretz had fired him at the end of May.…  His dismissal will be formally activated at the end of June,…

Remembering the Jewish trauma

Amira Hass, the fine journalist from Haaretz, has edited a diary from her mother’s time in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp: But let us not fall into the trap and think because Israel abuses the Holocaust and very often makes use of it in order to justify the repression and oppression of the Palestinians, let us…

It’s called journalism, Israel

One of Israel’s finest journalists, Amira Hass, returned from reporting in Gaza – unlike any other Israeli reporter – and was promptly charged by the “Middle East’s only democracy”.

Learning nothing at all

Amira Hass, Haaretz, March 4: The hundreds of millions of euros that have been donated or pledged to help Gaza, as though it were beset by natural disasters, are overshadowing the trade ties between Europe and Israel. The Western countries concerned about humanitarian aid for the Palestinians also buy from Israel arms and defense knowledge…

A state with shameless censorship

On 11 January 2009, the English-language website of Israel’s Haaretz newspaper published an article by Amira Hass, entitled “Gaza residents: IDF troops posing as Hamas men.” The article was removed from the website hours after publication. Haaretz told Arab Media Watch via email that the reason for its removal was that “the IDF censor had…

The delicate Zionist touch

One of Israel’s finest journalists, Amira Hass, on Israel’s shocking policies towards Gaza and the Hamas effect: The first thing that captures your eyes, after two years away, is a visual quiet. Gone are the flags of every color (including green) that once flew everywhere; the billboards commemorating shaheeds with their weapons, new ones popping…

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