Barack has a lobby problem

Some things will seemingly never change: The new delivery to Israel of a massive consignment of US munitions, revealed by Amnesty International today, throws into question whether President Obama will act to prevent the US fuelling further Israeli attacks against civilians that may amount to war crimes, as were perpetrated in Gaza.

Selling death with a painful tune

Ouch: Let’s say you’re a defense-company marketing executive. And you want to make a splash at the Indian defense ministry’s annual air show. Do you: (a) buy expensive gifts for New Delhi’s generals; (b) treat the press to Kingfishers and samosas; (c) produce a Bollywood-esque video featuring bare-midriff girls, flower-draped missiles, and the catch phrase…

Stop the killing machines

White phosphorus bombs used by Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip were produced and supplied by American arms manufacturers, according to an Amnesty International report that called for a comprehensive arms embargo on Israel. … A Palestinian human rights group has filed a lawsuit at the High Court in London over the United Kingdom’s continuation…

Some unspoken rules

Medialens, February 4: Consider, for example, that it is an unwritten rule of corporate reporting that very ugly motives cannot be imputed to our government or its leading allies. They may err and blunder, but it is unthinkable that they would kill thousands, or millions, of people because it was in the best interests of…

Fighting so many enemies

Chalmers Johnson, TomDispatch, February 2: Given our economic crisis, the estimated trillion dollars we spend each year on the military and its weaponry is simply unsustainable. Even if present fiscal constraints no longer existed, we would still have misspent too much of our tax revenues on too few, overly expensive, overly complex weapons systems that…

Just another friend in terror

Here’s an amazing look at the firearms makers and the market deep in Pakistan. Check it out and think about the quantity they’re producing daily. The largest illegal small arms market in the world.

Joining the dots is key

At least one mainstream media journalist, from CNN, questions the morality and legality of Israel using US-provided “defensive” weapons when killing Palestinian civilians. And while most Jewish groups remain silent or complicit in the current futility, I praise this brave Jew from Vermont who correctly compares…  the situation in Gaza to the Warsaw Ghetto. Jews…

Change is only a word

Alexander Cockburn, co-editor of Counterpunch, on a necessary reality check: Obama invokes change. Yet never has the dead hand of the past had a “reform” candidate so firmly by the windpipe. Is it possible to confront America’s problems without talking about the arms budget? The Pentagon is spending more than at any point since the…

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