Killing “them”

Who is really assisting the killing of the world’s Third World population? Yes, the United Kingdom: A controversial deal with Saudi Arabia catapulted Britain to the top of the world arms export league last year, as UK firms won a record …£10bn in orders from overseas, official figures show. The figure amounts to a third…

The Israeli death machine

Resistance to Israeli war crimes can take many forms. Sometimes even the judiciary vindicates these actions: There were jubilant scenes in a Belfast court yesterday as six anti-war protesters were unanimously acquitted of destroying property belonging to multinational arms company Raytheon. As the Crown Court jury of four men and seven women were led from…

Our future is repressed

Naomi Klein reports: With the help of U.S. defense contractors, China is building the prototype for a high-tech police state. It is ready for export.

A back rub will win this war

Since 2006, when the insurgency in Afghanistan sharply intensified, the Afghan government has been dependent on American logistics and military support in the war against Al Qaeda and the Taliban. But to arm the Afghan forces that it hopes will lead this fight, the American military has relied since early last year on a fledgling…

Our kind of arms dealer

One side of a sordid story: One of the world’s most notorious arms dealers, suspected of supplying weapons to the Taliban and Al Qaeda and of pouring huge arms shipments into Africa’s civil wars with his own private air fleet, was arrested by Thai authorities in a hotel here Thursday. His capture was prompted by…

Killing for cash

The global arms industry is one of the most insidious businesses in the world. But the American political elite is addicted to the rewards.

Corruption watch 101

The “war on terror” is a nice little earner: A Pentagon office that claims to monitor terrorist threats to U.S. military bases in North America — and was once reprimanded by the U.S. Congress for spying on antiwar activists — has just awarded a multi-million dollar contract to a company that employs one of Donald…

Democracy can wait (forever)

Pakistan may be on the brink of civil strife but defense contractors haven’t forgotten their priorities: Lockheed Martin Corp was awarded a $498.2 million contract to supply F-16 aircraft to Pakistan, the Pentagon said on Monday, as Pakistani officials mulled whether to go ahead with a January 8 election after the assassination of opposition leader…

Counting the costs

Like so many other self-declared democracies, the Jewish state exports death: Israel has passed Britain to become the world’s fourth largest exporter of weapons, Defense Ministry Director-General Pinchas Bucharis said yesterday. Israel had a total of $4 billion in defense exports in 2007, Bucharis said. The United States, Russia and France lead the world’s list…

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