American arms despots, hopes for peace and good outcomes

This is the wonderfully concise, humane and sensible approach by the Obama administration to bring peace to the Middle East; more weapons: The Obama administration is quietly working with Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf allies to speed up arms sales and rapidly upgrade defenses for oil terminals and other key infrastructure in a bid…

Britain embraces its 1984 past

The police state will get one step closer: Police in the UK are planning to use unmanned spy drones, controversially deployed in Afghanistan, for the …­”routine” monitoring of antisocial motorists, …­protesters, agricultural thieves and fly-tippers, in a significant expansion of covert state surveillance. The arms manufacturer BAE Systems, which produces a range of unmanned aerial…

How on earth did the wrong guys get Israeli weapons?

Israel has a world class arms industry, selling weapons to pretty much anybody. So this news is certainly curious: Use of Israeli-made light arms by militants against security forces in Waziristan has raised several questions amongst many recently. TheNation has learnt on good authority that militants are using Israeli-made light arms including “Uzi gun” and…

Let the West help you kill your people

America will sell weapons to pretty much any country, democratic or despotic: Despite a recession that knocked down global arms sales last year, the United States expanded its role as the world’s leading weapons supplier, increasing its share to more than two-thirds of all foreign armaments deals, according to a new Congressional study. The United…

So this is what the US means about balance

What matters in the Middle East conflict is arms and money. So: The US administration is going to increase defense aid that is given to Israel in 2010 to USD 2.775 billion as part of the gradual increase in aid to USD 30 billion over the course of a ten-year period. In the coming years…

More weapons equals more death

Despite all the rhetoric over Israel/Palestine, this news is what truly matters (and it bodes terribly for the region): Despite expectations that the Obama administration will pressure Israel to accept a two-state solution and implement practical measures, the U.S. administration has sent signals that aid to Israel will, in fact, be raised. At the same…

We sell death, how may we help you?

Israel’s method of war is brutal, indiscriminate and criminal. Hardly a model for anybody. Unless, of course, you’re a rogue state such as Sri Lanka and you need some weapons for your own “war on terror”. Israel will sell arms to pretty much any dictatorship, no matter how barbaric. Let’s not forget that Israel was…

The Palestinian cause understands the Tamil struggle

University of Western Sydney Students for Palestine passed the following motion today in support of Tamil rights: Students for Palestine UWS condemns the genocidal policies of the Sri Lankan government which are a continuation of over six decades of systematic discrimination carried out against the Tamil population. The drive towards genocide of the Tamils has…

How many dead babies?

Will any Western country stop selling arms to this criminal state? Revelations that Britain licensed the sale of military equipment to Israel worth …£27 million during the first nine months of last year has brought a call for the UK government to stop arming Israel.

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