Just how many Afghans is Australia murdering in Afghanistan?

It’s called counter-insurgency but in many cases this is simply operations to train, capture and allow the subsequent torture (and/or murder) of supposed Afghan insurgents. A failed strategy that deserves exposure: Counterinsurgency, also known as COIN, is the main focus in Afghanistan. It is a partnered effort between Afghan government and coalition forces to bring…

Memo to MSM; your job isn’t to pimp for foreign wars

VIDEO: WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Night raid in Mirabad Today’s Murdoch press features this “world exclusive“: The commando raiding party approaches the mud-walled qala, or compound, after a long night march from the helicopter insertion point. As they move in with their infra-red laser sights beaming and their alien-like night vision “eyes” switched on, all hell breaks…

Murdoch press likes race-baiting over asylum seekers

This is the front page story of today’s Sydney Daily Telegraph (surprised the lead isn’t about Lady Gaga or welfare mothers on crack robbing homeless men): Dozens of asylum seekers are on the run, with fears they are being supported by underground networks. Of the 47 people to have escaped last year, 12 had been…

Being archived online for whatever future we may have

Last year I was approached by the National Library of Australia and asked if I would agree to have my website archived by Pandora, an ever-growing system that documents this country’s digital history. It’s now live with regular archiving in the future. Thanks for the opportunity.

When racism is part of the Australian mainstream

Shameful: The opposition immigration spokesman, Scott Morrison, urged the shadow cabinet to capitalise on the electorate’s growing concerns about ”Muslim immigration”, “Muslims in Australia” and the “inability” of Muslim migrants to integrate. Mr Morrison’s suggestion was made at a meeting in December at which ministers were asked to bring three ideas for issues on which…

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