David Hicks shows us what we became after 9/11

My following book review appeared in yesterday’s Sydney’s Sun Herald newspaper: AUTOBIOGRAPHY Guantanamo: My Journey David Hicks (William Heinemann, $49.95) Reviewed by Antony Loewenstein Almost 10 years after the Bush administration launched the ”˜”˜war on terror’’, the victims of the policy remain largely voiceless. The unknown number of civilians murdered by Western bombs have no…

Note to US; Australia is ruled by right-wing people

The Australian media have been plowing through the Wikileaks cables related to our country. Many interesting bits but this caught my eye: ACTIONS WORKING WELL TOGETHER 3. (SBU) One senior figure told us the factions have “never worked as well together”. He opined that the end of the Cold War had played a big part…

Australia; no laws broken by Wikileaks

Oops Australia. Now how are you going to please your American masters? How about fully defending the rights of our citizen Julian Assange? The Australian Federal Police (AFP) say they have not found any breaches of Australian law by Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks organisation. Attorney-General Robert McClelland says that based on the information to date, the…

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