Chalk one up for intellectual strength over Wikileaks

Academic bravery does happen. But how few in the academy are willing to seriously challenge the state itself? There’s no need for the entire DVD collection of James Bond films when there’s the unfolding intrigue of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks. Deakin University’s senior lecturer in international relations, Dr Scott Burchill, is keeping a close eye…

NSW Greens move forward with BDS embrace

The following statement was released by the NSW Greens yesterday: Israel: Greens NSW back international Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions Greens NSW State Council has agreed to back a series of military, trade and services boycotts of Israel and to support the growing international BDS (Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions) movement. Greens NSW Senator-elect Lee Rhiannon said,…

Canberra holds its nose and helps Assange a little

Well, bloody bravo: Kevin Rudd confirmed Australia was giving consular support to Julian Assange, the Australian-born founder of WikiLeaks who was arrested in Britain on Tuesday over alleged sexual assaults committed in Sweden. ”I’m the foreign minister of Australia, responsible for the consular well-being of all Australians and therefore I just want to make it…

Wikileaks support protest in Sydney on Friday

MEDIA RELEASE — MEDIA RELEASE — MEDIA RELEASE — Support Wikileaks rally called Supporters of the website Wikileaks will mobilise on Friday (10/12/10) to protest against the backlash it has faced for its release of more than 250,000 US government cables. The protest will hear from independent journalist Antony Loewenstein, award-winning author of My Israel…

If the aim is to silence Wikileaks, failure is guaranteed

The utterly shambolic nature of the public case against Julian Assange is revealed here. Political pressure, anybody? TONY EASTLEY: Lawyers for WikiLeak’s editor and founder, Julian Assange, say he could have a meeting with British authorities to discuss sexual assault charges laid against him by Swedish police, within 24 hours. Scotland Yard has received a…

So Assange is victim of massive Canberra smear

Watch the Australian government embarrass itself in front of the world. How many trade deals do we want from the US this time, peoples? Prime Minister Julia Gillard has again been unable to name any Australian laws broken by the controversial WikiLeaks website or its founder Julian Assange. Western governments are increasingly calling for Mr…

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