Legalising and regulating all drugs is the solution

My essay appears in this week’s Sydney Morning Herald: The only way to ensure a safer Australian society is to legalise and regulate all drugs. This could save lives, earn huge revenue for the state and diminish the power of criminal gangs that make billions of dollars annually from the production and sale of illicit…

Australian aid to Palestine under attack

My investigation in Australian outlet Crikey: Australian aid to Palestine has fallen greatly under the Coalition government, partly due to successive Liberal prime ministers believing false allegations of mismanagement and illegality by Palestinians. The result for Palestinians living under occupation in East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza has been devastating and comes on top…

The forgotten Iranian refugees trapped on Nauru

Investigation in the Sydney Morning Herald/Melbourne Age… co-written with Saba Vasefi (with more details, photos and letters): On the first day of the year in Nauru, Iranian refugee Bita* sent a damning letter to the Australian Border Force (ABF) accusing it of “barbarism”. She had been refused resettlement in the United States and demanded an end…

Australian corporate complicity globally

This week the Human Rights Law Centre in Australia released a stunning report on Australian companies behaving badly around the world. One focus is in Bougainville, Papua New Guinea, where my book and film on disaster capitalism examines Rio Tinto’s destructive mining practices, and I’m honoured to have some contributed some photos to the report.

How to fight the toxic culture wars and win

My book review appears in the… Weekend Australian newspaper with the great headline: “What did you do in the culture wars, daddy-o?: As soon as Donald Trump unexpectedly won the White House in 2016, commentators and instant experts claimed it was because of economic anxiety. White, working-class Americans voted for the Republican candidate in greater numbers…

What does disaster capitalism really look like in the 21st century?

In the last 7+ years, I’ve been investigating and reporting on disaster capitalism around the world. This culminated in my book, Disaster Capitalism: Making A Killing Out Of Catastrophe, and the documentary, Disaster Capitalism. There’s a great, long essay in the US magazine Public Books about disaster capitalism in the modern age, written by US…

Holding airlines to account for deporting refugees

I was happy to sign this recent statement and campaign run by the Australasian Centre for … Corporate Responsibility:…  The position of airlines in respect of participation in forced deportations to danger is clear. Under the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the corporate responsibility to respect human rights means taking measures to…

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