Saddam taught them well (and we knew)

Let’s face it. Australia and Britain are also likely to have blood on their hands, handing over suspected terrorists (aka insurgents) to Iraqi forces: Fresh evidence that US soldiers handed over detainees to a notorious Iraqi torture squad has emerged in army logs published by WikiLeaks. The 400,000 field reports published by the whistleblowing website…

Israel lobby snares elite, Australian minds (and very few resist)

Yet more evidence that the Australian political and media are largely bought by the Zionist lobby, unable to think for themselves. This upcoming trip will result in the following (let me make some wild guesses). Iran is a focus, Palestinians have to stop incitement, the occupation isn’t really a problem and Australia must support the…

Serco and G4S are peas from the same pod

In Australian political life, only the Greens are hammering away against the privatisation of detention centres: Australia’s immigration detention system is failing, and this makes the need for transparency greater than ever, according to Senator Sarah Hanson-Young. Senator Hanson-Young, Greens spokesperson on Immigration, says she is concerned at reports that immigration service provider SERCO may…

Serco discovers that detention centres are so yesterday’s market

That’s right, Serco now sees the health sector as a new area in which to profit. Clearly increased public funding on health is a controversial idea in the 21st century: The [Western Australian] State Government has named private company Serco Australia as its preferred option to provide non-clinical support services to the $2 billion Fiona…

Australia misses the Wikileaks story entirely

So the Australian government is not interested in investigating any potential war crimes in Iraq but the messenger who brought the news. Don’t be surprised: Defence Minister Stephen Smith says the release of almost 400,000 US documents about the Iraq War could create a security risk for Australia. The whistleblowing website WikiLeaks has published classified…

Oz journalists dare to mention Serco (just a little)

All praise this rarity. A story in the Australian media (yesterday’s Australian) on Serco. Short but oh so sweet: A security company contracted by Serco is being investigated over claims it used unlicensed guards at police detention centres. Serco is responsible for running Australia’s rapidly expanding network of immigration detention centres. Northern Territory Licensing, Regulation…

Myopic Jews berate IAJV for caring about human rights

Following the Australia-wide advertisement by Independent Australian Jewish Voices (IAJV) calling for a more open debate over Israel/Palestine, the following letters have appeared in the Australian Jewish News over the last weeks: What a dismay to find Independent Australian Jewish Voices’ advertisement in last week’s AJN. We do live in a democracy where anyone has…

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