Hello media, what are Serco doing to asylum seekers in Australia?

The Australian media is filled with coverage of the refugee protest at Sydney’s Villawood detention centre and yet virtually no journalists seem to be reporting about the role of Serco, the company running the place. It’s always simply assumed that privatisation of detention centres is a jolly good idea for all concerned. For a lack…

Asylum seekers all over the news but Serco’s role remains covered

From this morning’s ABC AM: TONY EASTLEY: A police investigation will continue today into the death of a Fijian man at the Villawood Immigration detention centre in Sydney. The 36-year-old, who jumped to his death yesterday morning, was due to be deported back to Fiji. Overnight, tensions remained high at the centre when a group…

Detaining children seems to be a Western speciality

While Australia detains hundreds of children in immigration detention, the situation in the UK is depressingly similar (also housed by private companies such as Serco): When David Cameron declared that his government would “end the incarceration of children for immigration purposes once and for all”, those familiar with the horror of it were cautiously optimistic.…

Hello Canberra; most fleeing refugees are Tamil

This is what the Australian government is spending our money on (courtesy of Crikey): Sri Lanka into bat for boat people. Australian immigration officers are giving out free cricket bats in Sri Lanka emblazoned with messages to deter asylum seekers. The town of Negombo was provided with 700 of these cricket bats courtesy of the…

Another man dead at Villawood and the government shrugs

Murdoch’s Australian newspaper often reports news by simply republishing whatever the government tells them (this story has subsequently been updated but below was the original text of the story): Immigration authorities are investigating the sudden death of a detainee at Sydney’s Villawood detention centre this morning. The Department of Immigration and Citizenship said the 36-year-old…

Zionist lobby? Never heard of it, doesn’t exist

This is worth sharing from today’s Sydney Morning Herald. Little needs to be said except how it shows the growing hysteria of Jews against anybody who dares say anything about Israeli crimes.”Anti-Semitism” has lost its meaning with such frivolous and desperate tactics (which are increasingly failing): The Australian Press Council has considered a complaint by…

Most asylum seekers in Australia are real, say the facts

This story in today’s Sydney Daily Telegraph says one thing; most refugees who come to Australia are legitimate and deserve sanctuary: The Federal Government has been forced to reveal figures showing of 6310 asylum seekers to arrive in Australia in the past two years only 75 have been rejected and returned to their country of…

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