Don’t question uncritical love for Israel, says Aussie Zionist paper

A curious editorial in the Australian Jewish News that attempts to place boundaries on acceptable Zionist discussion in Australia. Any action that dares put pressure on Israel are clearly verging on anti-Semitism and don’t give the Jewish state the necessary warm hug. Because unquestioning love from the Diaspora has really worked so well. How’s that…

Aussie election brings very mixed results

Yesterday’s election in Australia remains unresolved, a hung parliament and massively high Green vote. More here, here, here, here and here. Truly progressive politics did very well but the uncertainty means that Australians don’t yet know if the right-wing Labor Party or more right-wing Liberal Party are in charge.

What the Australian election campaign says about us

The BBC’s Sydney-based correspondent Nick Bryant has it right. The Australian election campaign has been deathly parochial, the world didn’t exist, the level of debate was monotonous, any vision was non-existent and both major sides of politics were desperate to appear similar to the other. I’ll be voting Greens tomorrow and in the spirit of…

Australia does not have a refugee “issue”

Remember these figures the next time an Australian politician talks about the asylum seeker “problem”: Immigration authorities have deported 156 failed asylum-seekers in two years. That figure is just 2 per cent of the 7000 boatpeople who have arrived in the present wave of boats. The revelation came after The Australian reported yesterday that more…

The wisdom of Jews utilising BDS

While increasing number of groups globally embrace the BDS agenda – a non-violent way to pressure Israel to abandon apartheid or pay a deep price – the Australian Zionist lobby is fearful: Jewish Community Council of Victoria (JCCV) President John Searle has strongly denounced The Australian Jewish Democratic Society’s (AJDS) recent decision that some boycotts…

We are all refugees and will always be

A sobering reminder of attitudes towards refugees in two major Western nations. The fear and unease with asylum seekers is fanned by politicians and commentators who want people to believe the world is orderly and queues should be formed when fleeing from persecution: An election”campaign survey commissioned by the US Studies Centre in conjunction with…

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