Some West Australians want Israel to occupy Arabs forever

I wrote last week about the imminent launch of Friends of Israel Western Australia. Readers will be happy to hear that the group is now live and well and featured a rogue’s gallery of politicians desperate to align themselves with a hardline, Christian Zionist view of the Middle East. The J Wire report is laughably…

ElectionWire interview on Australian election

Election Wire is an online youth portal covering the Australian election campaign (here’s their recent report about detention centres). Journalist Austin G. Mackell yesterday interviewed me about the issues in the country, including foreign affairs, the Greens, the web filter, Wikileaks and the Middle East:

Aborigines are invisible in Australia

This is how Australia is being reported in the UK Independent: Aboriginal disadvantage has not rated a mention during the Australian election campaign – there are few votes in it. But as the party leaders criss-crossed the country this week, shocking evidence emerged at a government inquiry: children in remote indigenous communities are starving. The…

Better Place’s electric cars will be haunted by Palestine

I’ve written extensively about the Israeli electric car company Better Place and its highly questionable connections to working for the occupation in the West Bank. A letter in today’s Sydney Morning Herald denies political favours for the firm (the NSW Premier’s husband is a senior member of the company): Your story ”Keneally rivals shut out…

Australia kindly provides weapons to Taliban

Helping the “enemy”, one fruitless war at a time: Australian weapons and equipment have repeatedly been discovered among Taliban stockpiles, raising fears that Afghan troops trained by Diggers have been pilfering military supplies. Documents released by the WikiLeaks website show that in the past six years International Security Assistance Force troops have uncovered Australian mortar…

Kicking refugees when they’re down and out

It isn’t just Australia treating asylum seekers as criminals to be exploited for political gain: A video showing French police dragging immigrant women and children away from a protest squat has sharpened accusations that President Nicolas Sarkozy has made a cynical turn towards the authoritarian right. Although police insist that the disturbing footage is misleading,…

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