Israel’s Better Place continues its human rights-free push into Australia

In June I wrote about the Israeli electric car company Better Place and serious questions over its human rights record in Palestine and the Middle East. Today’s Australian features the following story about the company and proves how human rights so rarely enters the corporate media’s understanding of “progress”: The California-based Better Place electric car…

Since when was a Colombo-friendly source reliable?

Rupert Murdoch’s Australian continues its jolly regular reliance on “official” sources when reporting “terrorism”. Greg Barns explains: So some asylum seekers are terrorists are they? Well yes, according to The Australian today. But for a host of reasons we should be very cautious in accepting the veracity of those who make claims that people fleeing…

Argentina begins an historical reckoning

A powerful piece of investigative journalism by Sydney-based journalist and academic Antonio Castillo on Argentina’s attempts to hold those to account who led the Dirty War in the 1970s and beyond. A previous “war on terror”, backed by Washington. It’s curious to consider; many nations around the globe are slowly but surely trying to examine…

Australians are beginning to wake to BDS necessity

Sonja Karkar explains in the Electronic Intifada that the BDS movement is stirring in Australia (but geez, we have a long way to go): With a supine government and a media unwilling to investigate Israel’s criminal acts, getting the message out to the public has been a real challenge. However, Australian unions look like they…

Australia’s Prime Minister is a pale shadow of nothingness

Dissident writer and academic Scott Burchill on the dead heart at the centre of the ruling Labor party in Australia (and the Prime Ministership of Julia Gillard): Caved in to miners within hours of becoming PM – not prepared to stand up to corporate power in the West, or defend the population’s resources equity Gushed…

Gillard remains in the gutter over asylum seekers (and she feels fine)

Australia’s new refugee policy is truly a “he-man” competition. Who can seem toughest on those evil people smugglers? Who can maximise political capital over the handful of desperate souls from Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and Iraq keen to make a better life? Opening a regional processing centre in East Timor smacks of a typical Western colonial…

Young Australian Jews taken to Hebron and asked to smell freedom

While Jewish settlers bleat about human rights – not of Palestinians, of course, but themselves – we learn that a Birthright trip has visited the illegal settlement of Hebron. Australians, no less, talking about how much they love being there and the connection to the Jewish people. Nothing about Palestinians:

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