The ALP and Israel is like a disease that no medicine can cure

Australian unionist Paul Howes loves Israel. He supports its criminality, murder of opponents, defends it from everybody and would ideally like to make love to the Jewish state. He’s also one of the key figures behind the recent coup of Julia Gillard when overthrowing Kevin Rudd. Welcome to the modern Australian Labor Party, where Israel…

Australians rally around the Hebron Festival of Friendship

The following article by Vivienne Porzsolt appears in this week’s Green Left Weekly: Leichhardt Friends of Hebron can be very proud of the Festival of Friendship for Hebron it held over June 25-26. The event raised more than $5000 for a kindergarten in the impoverished village of Um al Khair in the South Hebron hills.…

Gillard reassures America and Israel of her backing

Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard has no original ideas of her own. Business as usual, “centrist” foreign policy dressed up as realism and pragmatism: The Prime Minister said she had no plan for big changes in foreign affairs. “Sitting here now it’s not my intention to change any of the fundamentals of our foreign policy,”…

Asylum seekers deserve respect and a home

When both major sides of Australian politics race to the bottom to demonise the most vulnerable within our borders (and the ones without a megaphone to tell us what they’re thinking and feeling), it takes brave voices to lead the debate: The Greens and one of Australia’s most prominent human rights lawyers have urged new…

Gillard is like Rudd and that’s just fine

One of the few senior Australian academics with a public profile actually not in thrall to the American and Israeli lobbies is Scott Burchill. This is spot on: You can’t get closer to the centre of mainstream foreign policy analysis than [Lowy Institute’s] Michael Fullilove. He’s not one to frighten the horses. He supports the…

Does the Zionist lobby have blood on its hands in Australia?

The Australian blog Middle East Reality Check – previous coverage here – dissects yesterday’s column by the Australian’s Greg Sheridan on Israel and the fall of Kevin Rudd. Over to you: The foreign editor of The Australian, Greg (Jerusalem Prize) Sheridan, seems to be suggesting that Australia’s Israel lobby, referred to euphemistically as “some friends…

Sri Lanka isn’t safe, Australia

Just in case anybody believes that the new Australian Prime Minister will deliver on human rights, a sobering warning: Amnesty International is calling on the federal government to lift its suspension on processing the claims of asylum seekers from Sri Lanka, saying the troubled nation is still a dangerous place. The three-month suspension ends on…

Zionist lobby in Australia denies there is Zionist lobby

Zionist lobby? What lobby? Jewish groups have questioned claims by a former Australian ambassador to Israel that Julia Gillard was silent on the “excesses” of Israel. And the former editor of The Age, Michael Gawenda, yesterday labelled as “bizarre” a report in the Fairfax newspaper and its sister paper, The Sydney Morning Herald, that linked…

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