Why Gillard is acceptable to the foreign policy elites

Scott Burchill, Fairfax National Times, 30 June: It is not a ”privilege” to talk to the US President with our troops at war. The primary goal of the US lobby in Australia is to insulate the alliance from changes of government after elections and leadership movements within the major political parties. Bipartisan support for the…

There is a Zionist lobby in Australia and let’s look inside some more

Following the story in yesterday’s Fairfax media about Prime Minister Julia Gillard and her love for Israel and its cuddly lobby here in Australia, the following letters appear in the Age today: Peace throughout the Middle East cannot be achieved until Western nations such Australia show we are as concerned about justice for Palestinians as…

Gillard reassures the Jews that she loves Israel to death

This week’s Australian Jewish News: Within the Jewish community, discussions about Julia Gillard often include the whispered question: “She might support Israel now, but have you heard what she was like in her university days?” So, when we spoke to her last August, while she was still Deputy Prime Minister, The AJN decided to explore…

Gillard and the Zionist lobby are completely separate (or not)

Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard is asked on ABC Melbourne radio about a news story today regarding her blind support for Israel and her partner’s job with the Zionist lobby. Even Murdoch columnist Andrew Bolt sees an issue: Gillard said on ABC 774 this morning that as Deputy Prime Minister she excused herself on decisions…

Gillard and Israel are like peas in a pod

It’s very healthy to see some critical thoughts over new Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard and her tight connection to the Zionist lobby. Much more transparency is required. Watch this space: A former Australian ambassador to Israel has accused Prime Minister Julia Gillard of being silent on the ”excesses” of Israel, and has questioned why…

Julia Gillard will serve our agendas fine, say Washington and Tel Aviv interests

The elevation of Julia Gillard to position of Australia’s new Prime Minister has been welcomed, indeed blessed, by both the Zionist and American lobbies. Gillard can certainly be relied upon to follow her predecessor’s attitude towards the Jewish state and Washington, namely that independent thought is frowned upon and obedience is the necessary Australian way.…

Looking in vain for a brave parliamentarian who calls things as they are

Another wonderful speech by departing Australian Labor MP Julia Irwin (here are some recent comments) given on 23 June. A rare voice of honesty in the Australian parliament: (Fowler) (9.39 am)—The development of Israeli settlements in the West Bank continues unabated. With the world occupied in getting the parties to the negotiating table, the reality…

Australia wakes up to a new leader and yet…

Australia has a new Prime Minister today, Julia Gillard, the country’s first female leader, a woman of the Left (supposedly) who has came into power thanks to the power of the Right. Already the commentariat are telling Gillard how to “avoid the same fate as Kevin Rudd“, as if they’re players in the game, wise…

If you need some help to defend Israel

Australian Zionists, here are your talking points to help Israel as a Jew, Zionist and human being: More than 250 Australian students were trained in the art of Israel advocacy during a three-day conference held in Jerusalem this week. The seminar, run by StandWithUs International (SWU) – a not-for-profit education organisation aiming to ensure Israel’s…

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