Rudd equals Gillard?

Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is likely to be out of a job tomorrow after a leadership challenge by deputy Julia Gillard. Apart from most political journalists getting all excited about the prospect of instability and a new game in Canberra, can somebody please ask Gillard what she really thinks about refugees, the environment and…

Stop the internet filter forum in Sydney

For any Sydneysiders: 6pm Wednesday 7th July Gaelic Club, 1/64 Devonshire St, Surry Hills Join Greens Senator Scott Ludlam, journalist Antony Loewenstein and Lee Rhiannon to discuss internet censorship issues. Communications Minister has announced plans to introduce an internet filter which will restrict Australians’ access to the internet and establish a system for widespread government…

Australia’s Israel lobby are like little sheep

The role of religious lobbies in Australia isn’t new (witness the Prime Minister and Opposition Leader last night trying to impress the Christian lobby and its mates across the country, saying things about gay marriage, climate change and refugees). There needs to be far more sunlight into the relations between governments and lobby groups. Who…

How many Diaspora Jews are fighting in the IDF?

Non-Israeli Jews signing up for the Israeli army brings a multitude of potential problems, not least the rules of engagement by foreigners fighting in a rabble army and managing an illegal occupation on Palestinian land. How many Australians have signed up? An investigation that must come soon: It used to be the kibbutz and its…

With Irwin gone, Australian parliament is totally pro-Israel

One of the Australian parliamentarians brave enough to actually understand Palestinian rights is departing Labor MP Julie Irwin. In a completely ignored farewell speech this week, Irwin discussed “Israeli propaganda” after the Gaza flotilla massacre. She demanded the Jewish state accept international law or face isolation. Note the Labor minister Craig Emerson’s shameful disassociation on…

Answering 20 questions for New Matilda

Here it is: Antony Loewenstein has been writing for about the Middle East since the beginning. He lobs 20 Questions back our way Antony Loewenstein started writing for pretty much at the beginning and has been a regular contributor on the Middle East since. His articles, particularly on Israel-Palestine, have provoked heated debate…

Turning off the web

As we learn that the Australian government is trying to force web companies to store the history of internet users, America is considering going down a path that is almost inevitable. Being able to harness the internet, a medium that loves to give the finger to regulation (hello Wikileaks), frustrates those who want to control…

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