Inciting race hatred on Murdoch money

A helpful reminder of the kind of hatred that regularly appears in the pages of a leading Murdoch publication. Alan Howe is a senior figure in Melbourne’s Herald Sun newspaper who loves to demean Arabs and praise Israel (free trips to the Jewish state thanks to the Zionist lobby have certainly helped him hone his…

Is the Aussie Zionist lobby in trouble?

One of Australia’s foremost academics, Scott Burchill, senses a change in Australian public opinion over Israel. The Zionist lobby will have noticed. As will the lobby’s closest backers (such support is always helped by regular free trips to Israel and a constant stream of press releases). Over to Burchill in an online exclusive: Sometimes government…

How to shame Washington with one easy online dump

The power of Wikileaks has become legendary (this recent New Yorker profile is fascinating). A website unafraid to publish sensitive information and to hell with the consequences. Transparency with few limits: Pentagon investigators are trying to determine the whereabouts of the Australian-born founder of the secretive website Wikileaks for fear that he may be about…

“In short, the game is up”

Liberal Zionist lobbyist and two-stater Daniel Levy writes a pretty perceptive piece in Haaretz that should really be essential reading for all Zionists who only seem capable of voicing blind support for Israel (hello sheep-like Australian Jewish community): There were large demonstrations in Cape Town last week following the Mavi Marmara incident. For now, South…

What the Pixies think may be catching

A piece in today’s Murdoch Australian highlights the almost unstoppable movement towards isolating Israel until it recognises the error of its occupying ways. Not much evidence that many Israelis do believe that, but give them time: The piece is by Michael Shaik: “MICHAEL, she’s dead.” It was March 16, 2003. The huge anti-war protests of…

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