Murdoch columnist urges Israel to kill people with less traces, please

Surely article of the day about Australian passports being involved in the Dubai murder (while Israeli itself continues to deny its involvement, sounding a little like a scorned schoolchild who doesn’t like admitting he hits girls). Over to you, Greg Sheridan (essentially wishing well… Israel and any other country that wants to murder supposed terrorists in…

Why Australia has consistently failed hold war criminals to account

I wrote recently about Australia’s incredibly shameful failures in prosecuting the countless war criminals residing in Australia. We now have some further information from the Australian Parliament that partly explains the country’s lax attitude towards the issue (via the Lowy Institute): On Monday Senator Wong tabled… some fascinating answers to a series of questions on notice…

Australia is apparently upset with Israel (or so it seems)

Australian Foreign Minister Stephen Smith comments in Parliament on Israel’s use of Australian passports in the murder of a Hamas operative in Dubai: I’ve made it crystal clear to the [Israeli]… ambassador that if the results of that investigation cause us to come to the conclusion that the abuse of Australian passports was in any way…

Tamil independence will happen one day (with a nudge and a push)

Justice in Sri Lanka is a foreign commodity these days while the Tamil Diaspora are still longing for an independent homeland. This is an interesting move by Britain, a rare sign of actually standing up to dictatorships (unlike Australia, which seems more concerned with maintaining trade relations and ignoring human rights): Relations between Britain and…

Who picks up the pieces seven years after the Iraq invasion?

The Iraq war receives far too little media coverage these days. The “good war” in Afghanistan is leading the bulletins. But reading about this document from an American army medic back from Iraq, the atrocities by the Americans remain largely unknown. ABC yesterday featured a story and news report about the massive refugee crisis in…

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