Aborigines should not look to modern Jews as any kind of inspiration

Following indigenous leader Noel Pearson’s article in yesterday’s Australian about admiring the Jews, I submitted the following (unpublished) letter: Noel Pearson’s admiration of the Jewish people (Aborigines can learn from Jews how to preserve culture and prosper, 15 February) is curious for its omissions. In praising their “resilience and seriousness as a people” and dedication…

Australian member of parliament thinks bombing Iran is almost inevitable

Australian, Jewish Zionist MP Michael Danby loves to talk about human rights in many countries around the world, except of course Palestine. It’s the usual program; issue directives without political risk but support the most reactionary elements of the Israeli political elite. And bombing Iran. Take his piece in the Wall Street Journal that argues…

Melbourne Age chastises Colombo over rights abuses

Following yesterday’s strong editorial in the Sydney Morning Herald over Sri Lanka, today the Melbourne Age adds its voice to the outcry. I can’t read these pieces and not think about the gutlessness of the corporate press when writing about the Middle East. Slamming Sri Lanka is risk-free for editors. Seriously challenging Israel’s occupation of…

Jews are wonderful at backing human rights (er, except on Palestine)

A leading Aboriginal leader in Australia, Noel Pearson, falls into the most obvious trap imaginable; because many Jews are committed to indigenous reconciliation, we’ll turn a blind eye to the most racist actions they back in Palestine: They [Jews] are a community who have never forgotten history and they never allow anybody else to forget…

Aussie Jews may wet their pants when Obama comes

Another day and another pathetic example of parochialism from the Australian Jewish News. Imagine the scene at the newspaper. Barack Obama is coming to Australia. Maybe he’ll speak to some Jews. Imagine the excitement. Let’s speak to some Jewish leaders about this possibility. God, this is SO amazing: When the United States presidential visit was…

Why should Australia gain in the UN by ignoring Israeli criminality?

This “exclusive” in today’s Murdoch Australian (also featured in the Melbourne Age) is a wake-up call to the Australian government. Blindly supporting Israel and mouthing platitudes about a two-state solution, while remaining silent on the siege of Gaza and the growing occupation, comes with a price: Kevin Rudd’s bid for a UN Security Council seat…

Australia rolls out the welcome mat for war criminal retirees

My following article appears in today’s Crikey: The news that defeated Sri Lankan presidential candidate and former army chief Sarath Fonseka may claim temporary asylum in Australia due to fears for his life…  is the latest saga in the country’s ongoing tragedy. Foreign Minister Stephen Smith denies that Australian officials in Colombo ever received an…

Are all Israelis legitimate targets of protest?

I’m not sure what I think of this. Protesting the mere presence of an Israeli tennis player (as happened in New Zealand last week) is curious. Israel player Shahar Peer is playing at the Australian Open in Melbourne. From the Melbourne Age: The planned protest has sparked irate emails to the website of Australians for…

What’s the chances of Israeli politicians being caught in Australia?

Greg Barns writes in Tasmanian newspaper (owned by Rupert Murdoch) The Mercury about the human right’s double standard when our political and media elites discuss war crimes, refugees and Israel: Last week the Right-wing media and their political friends worked themselves up into lather over an assessment by ASIO that a small number of Tamil…

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