Ehud Olmert in Australia and nobody says a word

Who else knew that a famous Israeli landed in Australia this week? Fairfax reports: Adding to the madness, visiting former Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert swept by suddenly, on his way to visit Australian MPs. Olmert looked startled at the unexpected reception, as did his security detail.

The Jakarta Post: Changing people’s perceptions about Jews

The following feature by Desy Nurhayati appears in yesterday’s Jakarta Post: His recent visit to Aceh made Antony Loewenstein the first Jew that most people in the country’s devoutly Muslim province had ever met or engaged with. Some Acehnese he met were surprised to learn that the Jewish-Australian journalist, author of the controversial and best-selling…

Is Australia capable of looking at itself honestly in the mirror?

John Pilger on Australia’s secret shame: …The rate of incarceration of black Australians is five times that of South Africa during the last years of apartheid. The state of Western Australia imprisons Aboriginal men at eight times the apartheid figure, an Aussie world record. … There is currently a liberal clarion call in Australia for…

Liberal, Zionism prevarication allows occupation to continue

Independent Australian Jewish Voices (IAJV), which I co-founded in early 2007, continues to hum along and we have many plans for 2010. A few weeks ago in the Australian Jewish News one-time journalist Michael Visontay – who has form in hand-wringing matters, sometimes feeling terribly pained about something or other in Israel but remaining utterly…

The eyes of the world must remain on Colombo

Sydney University’s Jake Lynch, a strong supporter of the Palestinian cause, writes in his weekly column about Sri Lanka and the need to continue pressure over its appalling treatment of the Tamils: The news that the Government of Sri Lanka is to close the internment camps where thousands of Tamils were illegally detained, following the…

Who is paying for that little trip you took to Iraq/Israel/Washington?

Following this week’s controversy over Sydney Morning Herald journalist Peter Hartcher taking a free trip to Israel and returning to Australia with wonderful tales of Zionist adventure, Foreign Policy’s Stephen Walt argues that transparency in think-tanks and public figures is key. Where is the money coming from of major columnists and journalists? We are drowning…

Australia looks briefly at the Palestinian cause and issues a sigh

The Australian government is so close to Israel it hurts the Jewish state’s jaw. So this news shows a) the hatred of the Zionist lobby towards the Palestinians, any Palestinians and b) the belief of the Rudd elites to only give rudimentary at best support for Palestinian rights: The federal Government has denied a shift…

How a mainstream media journalist views free travel to Israel

Following my article in yesterday’s Crikey about Sydney Morning Herald journalist Peter Hartcher taking a free trip to Israel, today his entire answers are published (sent to me a few days ago and quoted extensively in my original piece): Antony Loewenstein, thanks for putting the questions to me and for giving me a chance to…

Zionists, friends, enemies and ignoring the Palestinian plight

The ongoing saga of the Sydney Morning Herald’s Peter Hartcher and his propaganda trip to Israel continues with this letter in the paper today: The blowback your Peter Hartcher is copping (Letters, November 18) from the anti-Israel set, furiously punching keyboards to expose a Zionist conspiracy, is a wonder to behold. Meanwhile the leaders of…

Israel lobby funds another media tour. Read all about it

My following article is published today on Crikey: “Peter Hartcher is the Sydney Morning Herald’s international editor. He travelled to Israel as a guest of the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies.” Hartcher’s latest piece for his paper tells a familiar tale. The UN Goldstone report on the Gaza war… ”‰—”‰in which Israel and Hamas are accused…

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