The truth warrior

My following essay is published in Sydney Ideas Quarterly magazine: John Mearsheimer, a leading US scholar on international relations, has strong views on political issues from the Middle East to Iraq but until now, the establishment has been slow to listen. He spoke to Antony Loewenstein During this year’s Iranian uprising, which followed the disputed…

How to complain the loudest and make Jews look whiny

Journalist and author John Pilger is a terror loving fascist. (Yet another own goal by the Australian Jewish community, seemingly incapable of understanding that the awarding of the Sydney Peace Prize to Pilger is for an amazing body of work that spans decades and doesn’t just involve Israel/Palestine. The lounder they scream, the sillier they…

Jew urges Australia to stick head in the sand

Yet another response in today’s Melbourne Age after former Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser’s comments about engaging Hamas and other highly sensible suggestions. This one Jew ain’t happy at all: Former prime minster Malcolm Fraser’s call for the Australian Government to engage with Hamas (Comment, 11/8) is as misguided as it is misleading. Even more disturbing…

Australian Jew loves colonies and wants to build more and more

Ron Weiser, former President of the Zionist Federation of Australia, is an irregular writer for the Australian Jewish News. His latest column is a real gem, issuing predictably pro-settler sentiments, bashing Barack Obama and urging a hardline against anything even vaguely pro-Palestinian: Returning from Israel, it is interesting to note just how different the situation…

Will Australia stand up and back Hamas?

Former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser on the importance of bringing Hamas in from the political cold: Hamas was isolated, violence – predictably – resumed and the whole region paid the price. Israel and America also made attempts to strengthen Fatah, to weaken or destroy Hamas. Such attempts have failed. Fatah’s leadership was not up…

The price for Western crimes always ignored

I concur with leading Australia international relations expert Scott Burchill: Wissam Mahmoud Fattal, one of the men charged this week [in Australia] with preparing a terrorist act, told the Melbourne Magistrates Court on Wednesday he was not a terrorist and accused Australian troops of killing innocent people overseas. “You call me a terrorist but I’ve…

The NYTs on myth and reality in Palestine

Thomas Friedman writes in today’s New York Times that Israel needs to stop building settlements. The rest of his column repeats the now-accepted, yet false myth, that Israel withdraw from Gaza and only received rockets in return. In fact, when you blockade a territory after a democratic election, you better expect some fireworks: For years,…

Manipulating Jews with their eye opens

Seth Freedman writes in the Guardian about the myopic British Jewish community and their blind obedience to the state of Israel. These issues are equally relevant in Australia, where a communal leadership tries to stifle alternative voices but has only achieved pushing more Jews away from the establishment: The latest figures on antisemitic hate crimes…

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