Film-making is always political

Independent Australian Jewish Voices opinion editor Sara Dowse writes about the ways in which activists are increasingly intolerant of Zionists trying to white-wash Israeli crimes through artistic sponsorship. Hello Melbourne International Film Festival.

The twisted Muslim mind behind death

Leading Australian journalist Sally Neighbour investigates the presumed mastermind behind last week’s hotel bombings in Jakarta, Noordin Mohammed Top: Top is known not only as a master of disguise and skilled escape artist who has eluded an Indonesian police dragnet for seven years. He is also a logistical and technical mastermind and, even more troubling,…

The targeting of Israeli support

Controversy strikes the heart at one of Australia’s leading film festivals: Director Ken Loach has pulled out of the Melbourne International Film festival in protest against Israeli funding. British-based Loach pulled his film Looking For Eric after organisers refused to bow to his demands they reject Israeli government sponsorship. The festival’s executive director Richard Moore…

Film of a true freedom fighter

The rise of a new super-power brings its own challenges, not least trying to dictate what Australians should watch: The Chinese Government has demanded that the Melbourne International Film Festival dump a documentary about an exiled minority leader whom they label a terrorist and blame for instigating this month’s ethnic riots in Xinjiang, which left…

Why Australia should do the right thing in the Middle East

Jake Lynch, director of the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Sydney, writes in the Sydney Morning Herald about Israeli criminality: Days after the Deputy Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, was greeted in Israel and thanked for having been “alone in sticking by us” during Operation Cast Lead, the attack on the…

Hello, thank you, now don’t look at that on the web

Get Up! Australia has produced this smooth piece of work: Good, clean internet censorship? Help get this advert on the air and in the air – on every Qantas flight in the country during the next sitting week of Parliament. The Government’s test trials on internet censorship are about to end, the results are nearly…

Welcome to Israel’s mad future

Australian journalist Anne Barker explains being attacked by a riotous crowd of ultra-Orthodox Jews protesting the opening of a carpark on the Sabbath: … I was aware that earlier protests had erupted into violence on previous weekends – Orthodox Jews throwing rocks at police, or setting rubbish bins alight, even throwing dirty nappies or rotting…

East Timor should not be thanking Australia

The forthcoming Australian film, Balibo, may finally force the general public to acknowledge successive government’s complicity in the attempted genocide of the East Timorese from 1975 onwards: BALIBO Official Film Trailer from Footprint Films on Vimeo.

Only Jews who praise Israel allowed

The Australian Jewish News conducts a vox-pop and asks, “What would you say to Jews who don’t believe Israel should exist?” The responses prove my point; blind and unthinking nationalism defines the mainstream Jewish community. Israel for them isn’t a reality, it’s some utopia (in other words, utterly removed from the brutality of an occupying…

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