Free trips to fellate Israel

Are there no limits to the whoring the political and media elite won’t display towards Israel? Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard will lead a delegation to Israel next month as part of a bid to strengthen political, business and cultural ties between Australia and Israel. The tour, organised by pro-Israel lobby group the Australia Israel…

What good little Zionist thugs set out to do

Letters in the Age newspaper over the play Seven Jewish Children continue today: I was in the queue an hour early for the 7 Jewish Children performance and the diverse crowd (Jew and non-Jew) was peaceful until a group of Australian Union of Jewish Students arrived around opening time and positioned themselves, with placards and…

Just let the bloody Jews fight it out

Following this letter in yesterday’s Melbourne Age, the paper today publishes two responses: Eli Court (Letters, 20/5) speaks with all the disdain of the ivory tower intellectuals who wouldn’t “soil” their hands by being on the street. If Eli had taken the trouble to attend the debate after the performance of Seven Jewish Children —…

What, you missed the peaceful attempt to just stage a play?

An interesting letter in today’s Melbourne Age about Monday’s staging of Seven Jewish Children: The saga over the play Seven Jewish Children again highlights the poor quality of debate on issues of anti-Semitism and the Middle East. After several days of intensive media scrutiny, and the usual acrimony between pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian groups, I am…

Get ready, Adolf is coming back

After the anger over the Melbourne reading last night of the play Seven Jewish Children, the most absurd comment came on ABC TV Lateline from Danny Lamm of the Zionist Council of Victoria: It’s the entire opposite of the truth. It’s Goebbels returning in 2009. Australia is 1933 Germany? I guess using the Nazis to…

When a decent view came to town

I reported last night on the scuffles in Melbourne outside a performance of Seven Jewish Children. The Melbourne Age adds more detail today: The play Seven Jewish Children last night achieved the effect its writer no doubt intended when it provoked passionate and diverse views from a panel of Jews and Palestinians. Palestinian lawyer and…

Holding the Israeli flag won’t help

I’ve been writing over the last week about tonight’s performance in Melbourne of the play Seven Jewish Children. I’m hearing reports that the event was beyond packed, with hundreds turned away; a real thirst to hear open debate about the Middle East. More news as it comes to hand. But, Melbourne blogger Benjamin Solah reports…

A Sydney paper starts opening its eyes

A senior journalist at the Sydney Morning Herald tells me that the relatively new editor is keen to show to the Zionist lobby that he can’t be intimidated. The last months have been an interesting ride. Hardly revolutionary but a noticeable shift. First an editorial in March telling Jews to accept wider views on the…

When the anti-Semitic smear is all they have

Following a letter in yesterday’s Age about the ability of Jews to openly debate the Middle East, the letter below appears in response in today’s paper: I write to clarify the misrepresentations of Ingrid Weinberg (Letters, 14/5). When Dr Ghada Karmi came to Australia at the invitation of the Sydney Writers Festival in 2003, she…

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