Palestine Solidarity Week

Palestine Solidarity Week is from March 30-April 3 with events across Australia to express support for the Palestinian people. I have been invited by a number of student groups to speak in Melbourne on April 1 (Latrobe University from 12 – 1:30, Monash University from 2:30 to 4 and Melbourne University from 6:30-8). More info…

Freedom of the local press?

The following letter appears in today’s Sydney Morning Herald: Jeremy Gilling’s assertion (Letters, March 20) that Robert Magid’s reason for pulling an ad promoting talks by Jeff Halper “doesn’t cut it” is irrelevant. Magid is not answerable to Gilling or to the Herald. Extending Magid’s first reason (Halper’s promotion by groups that Jews find offensive),…

How not to run a major paper

The following letter appears in today’s Sydney Morning Herald: Robert Magid’s defence of his decision to refuse an advertisement in the Australian Jewish News promoting the tour of Jeff Halper doesn’t cut it (Letters, March 18). He offers two grounds. First, someone promoting Halper’s tour spoke at a demonstration where other people said and did…

The price to be paid

Ronnie Kasrils fought for decades against apartheid in his South African homeland, and with victory served in the governments of Nelson Mandela and later Thabo Mbeki. His latest article is titled, “Who said nearly 50 years ago that Israel was an Apartheid State?” …a colonial racist mentality which rationalised the genocide of the indigenous peoples…

I’m just doing my job as a Zionist apologist

The following lead letter appears in today’s Sydney Morning Herald: Your editorial “With friends like these” (March 13) refers to the decision of the Australian Jewish News to refuse an advertisement promoting the speaking tour of an Israeli academic, Jeff Halper. It says I pulled the ad because I didn’t like the promoters. This suggests…

How the lobby looks to the general public

What the hell is wrong with these Zionist leaders? Clearly the only acceptable visitors are card-carrying Zionists. It’s called engagement with opposing perspectives, people: Melbourne Anglican Archbishop Philip Freier is under fire from the Jewish community for hosting a function for former Iranian president Mohammad Khatami while he is in Melbourne this month. Jewish Community…

Disagreeing over Israel should not cause offence

The following letters appear in today’s Sydney Morning Herald: Before accusing your editorial writer of oversimplification, perhaps Athol Morris (Letters, March 14-15) should check his back copies of the Australian Jewish News. That paper has published several of my letters arguing that Israel should be a state of all its citizens. Readers took that to…

Kiddie porn is only the beginning

Let’s not believe that the Australian government will only block sites that are deemed “illegal”: It has been revealed that ACMA has blacklisted a page on the whistle-blower website that contains a leaked copy of the Danish blacklist of banned websites.

Jewish paper believes in the concept of an echo chamber

The Australian Jewish News publishes the following editorial this week: A vocal critic of Israel’s policy of demolishing Palestinian houses is currently on a tour of Australia. Professor Jeff Halper, an American-born retired Israeli academic, coordinates the Israeli Committee Against Housing Demolitions (ICAHD), which attacks the practice of demolishing Palestinian homes. There is an important…

Hardly a democrat

Last night in Sydney I attended this (my average pics here): Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has called on Australia to play an active role in the reconstruction of his country, while thanking it for taking in thousands of Iraqi refugees. Addressing the Lowy Institute in Sydney last night, Mr Maliki said Iraq was hindered…

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