The forgotten minority

There are around 4,500 Mandaeans from Iraq and Iran living in Australia, making them the second largest community outside of the Middle East. Who are they?

Pull out right now

Daniel Flitton, The Age, October 7: The Federal Government is yet to convincingly explain why it opposed an open-ended war in Iraq but is willing to back a seemingly endless commitment in Afghanistan. The two conflicts are linked, at least in heated argument. Along with many opponents of the Iraq venture, Labor argues that the…

Vibewire on The Blogging Revolution

Vibewire is one of Australia’s finest online youth portals (I used to write a regular column for them years ago.) I was recently interviewed by one of their writers, Jacqui Dent, about my book, The Blogging Revolution: Blogging is being used increasingly to speak out against oppression in authoritarian regimes and speak up amidst mainstream…

Besieged from the inside?

My latest article for New Matilda discusses the troubles ahead for Israel: Radical Zionists made gains under Ehud Olmert, but their actions are pushing Israel towards catastrophe. The new Prime Minister must stop the settlers, writes Antony Loewenstein In mid-September, during the dying days of his leadership, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert boldly stated that…

Defending the rights of “terrorists”

Al-Manar is the satellite television channel of Hezbollah (which much of the West regards as a terrorist organisation, a view I do not share.) The channel is currently available in many Australian homes. The Lebanese community is massive here and many people regard the group as a liberation movement. Others see it as an aggressive…

New ways to make news matter

My following article is published today by the Melbourne Age: During the bruising Democratic Party tussle with Hillary Clinton in April, a citizen journalist recorded Obama saying that he understood why working-class voters in decrepit industrial towns were “bitter” and clung to “guns or religion”. Despite being a paid-up Obama supporter, writer Mayhill Fowler worked…

Time to honestly debate Israel/Palestine

My following post was written for Khaldoun, the blog recently started by Macquarie University’s Centre for Middle East and North African Studies, where I’m a board member: Robustly debating Zionism has existed for as long as its existence. Jews, historically a persecuted people, were unafraid to discuss the merits or otherwise of the plan to…

Bombing. Iran. Never. Makes. Sense

The Lowy Interpreter is the blog for one of Australia’s leading think-tanks, the Lowy Institute. Following a post last week that discussed Israel’s supposed fears of Iran’s nuclear facilities – strongly suggesting that an Israeli military strike was not unlikely and even understandable because the Zionist state feared destruction – I wrote a response that…

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