The view from the Murdoch perch

Scott Burchill, Senior Lecturer in International Relations in the School of International & Political Studies at Deakin University, comments on a Murdoch mouthpiece: Quote of the week goes to Liberal Party lunchalot and honorary Republican Party ambassador, Greg Sheridan. According to the Foreign Editor of The Australian, “Rudd will be a tremendous disappointment to the…

The Zionist lobby’s road map of delusion

Following my recent joint op-ed in the Melbourne Age – on the reality of life in racially exclusionary Israel/Palestine – today the inevitable response from the Zionist lobby. It’s almost embarrassing in its simplicity and dishonesty. So, below are the tried and true methods of the lobby’s (increasingly futile) points of attack: – Allege Israel…

The “other” Peter Slezak

The following “clarification” appears in today’s Australian newspaper: An article published in the Weekend Australian on March 15-16 (“Jewish voices in discord after Israel ad“, Page 5) quoted Peter Slezak, a founder of Independent Australian Jewish Voices, which ran the advertisement protesting parliament’s motion in support of the 60th anniversary of the state of Israel.…


Amnesty International Australia yesterday launched its campaign to highlight China’s human rights abuses in this Olympic year. Uncensor focuses especially on internet repression and the involvement of Western internet multinationals in this worrying practice (actually the subject of my forthcoming book.) I’m working with Amnesty in the next months, writing and talking about these issues.

Moving forward (without dogma)

Former Israeli official Daniel Levy – writer of the essential blog Prospects for Peace – offers thoughts to the next US President (though clearly the idea of engaging Hamas is something the Australian government is already keen to ignore, preferring to stick with failed policies of the Bushies): Contrary to popular misperception, Hamas and al-Qaeda…

The more Jewish opinions the better

Last year I co-founded Independent Australian Jewish Voices (IAJV) as a forum for alternative Jewish perspectives. The last year has seen a host of campaigns and media coverage. Try here, here and here. Now, two original signatories, Peter Slezak and Eran Asoulin, have started blogging on the site, with more to come. The aim is…

Self-defence or brutal occupation?

The following article, co-written with a colleague, appears in today’s Age newspaper: On the world stage, Israel has been traditionally cast as David in a battle against Goliath. But this is too simplistic, for Israel is not without its sins, write Peter Slezak and Antony Loewenstein. Speaking honestly about Israel and Palestine has always been…

Royalty bows before Zionism

After the Australian Jewish community with Prime Minister Kevin Rudd recently celebrated Israel’s 60th anniversary – something protested by many Arabs, Jews and other concerned citizens – similar shenanigans are occurring in Britain: On April 7, Prince Philip will be hosting a dinner at Windsor Castle organised by the Jewish National Fund. They will be…

Jewish dissent lives on

The following letter appears in this week’s Australian Jewish News: The furore over the recent Palestinian statement published in The Australian doesn’t deserve the overwrought reactions in the Jewish community. However, the response by the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies and The AJN have been revealing in propagating a deception to embarrass people who hadn’t…

Kill them all (but make sure they’re Arabs first)

Following my recent article in Crikey – discussing Australia’s parliamentary motion celebrating Israel’s 60th anniversary as well as the local Zionist lobby’s shenanigans – a number of letter writers responded yesterday: Bren Carlill, analyst at the Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council, writes: “Re. “Our “passionately pro Israel” PM throws compassion out the window” (13 March,…

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