Why boycotting Israeli academia is necessary and principled

My following piece appears today in ABC’s… The Drum: An academic boycott of Israeli universities isn’t an attack on freedom of speech. The evidence tells us these institutions are key battlegrounds for breaches of international law towards the Palestinians, argues Antony Loewenstein. New Zealand’s $20 billion national pension fund… announced this month… that it was divesting from three…

Chomsky supports BDS against Israeli illegality

Following 10 days of daily coverage in The Australian of Dr Jake Lynch from Sydney University supporting a boycott against Israeli universities, the last two days have seen more letters published. Friday: On what basis does the University of Sydney lend institutional support to a group with a guiding objective of boycotting Jewish business and…

How Australia actively blocks legitimate refugees globally who need our protection

Australia’s largely secret role in actively blocking persecuted people from escaping life-threatening situations should be exposed more often. Canberra seems happy colluding with authoritarian figures in Sri Lanka, Pakistan and beyond to “stop the boats”. Here’s Aubrey Belford in The Global Mail: Australian authorities have increasingly turned to a strategy some find disturbing: they are…

Another day and Murdoch’s Australian on case of rampant anti-Semitism in our universities (oh wait…)

Today Rupert Murdoch’s very serious broadsheet organ The Australian continues its brave reporting on, well knows anymore, the countless stories about Dr Jake Lynch at Sydney University. It’s beyond parody. Thankfully, Lynch is standing firm and he has received the full support of his Peace and Conflict Studies board. News story: Australia’s peak Jewish body…

Challenging spin over PNG LNG vital in age of resource curse

A key theme of my disaster capitalism book (out 2013) is the role of Western multinationals in exploiting resources and people in poor nations. A focus is Papua New Guinea. A report released today by NGO Jubilee Australia called Pipe Dreams… challenges the many myths about the supposed benefits of the soon to begin LNG operation.…

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