“After Zionism” featured at University of Sydney’s Sydney Ideas

The first public event for my new book with Ahmed Moor, After Zionism, took place on 2 August: The Israel/Palestine ‘peace process’ has failed and the occupation has never been more pervasive. The prospect of a two-state solution, a position advocated by all Western countries, is increasingly criticised as being at odds with the realities…

“We call it the Jewish Disneyland trip”

The role of the Zionist lobby in taking politicians and journalists to Israel has a long and sordid history. Note my recent investigation into Australian student leaders being romanced. The latest scandal is discussed in the New York Times: The trip was much like any of the hundreds hosted in recent years by a nonprofit…

Australian Greens leadership ignores Israeli car company’s troubling record

Following last week’s open letter and petition to the Australian Greens informing them that a serious party dedicated to human rights wouldn’t work with Israeli-government backed electric car companies in the name of being green, Greens leader Christine Milne has responded:   Sadly, this letter is totally unacceptable and completely misses the point. Every major…

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