Australia to take best lesson possible from indulging Zionism since 1948

A friend in Israel sent this to me today. We’ve been warned: Australian politicians, senior bureaucrats, journalists, academics, military and business leaders have for many years been taking paid-for trips to Israel to observe the Israeli model in action, how it works, and to take home lessons that could be applied by Australia. After many…

My #LeftTurn chapter on media complicity in war post 9/11

This appears in Crikey’s Pure Poison blog today: Following is an extract from “Media War Junkies Unite”, an essay by Antony Loewenstein from… Left Turn: Political essays for the new Left… which is edited by Loewenstein and Jeff Sparrow, and which was released last week. *** The decade since 11 September 2001 has seen a litany of…

#LeftTurn reviews start coming in

The book has only been out for a few days but already responses are appearing. Leading independent bookstore Readings has made the title Book of the Month and Week (after already featuring interviews and other coverage): ”˜Perhaps the best kept political secret of our time is that politics, as a democratic undertaking, can be not…

Israel lobby friend and Murdoch man defames Arabs in a good day’s work

It can’t be easy for a Murdoch editor to find new ways to damn Palestinians but the… Herald Sun’s Alan Howe constantly comes through with the goods. Here’s his latest that proves once again that the Zionist lobby, who sends people like Howe to Israel, creates individuals who loathe Arabs even more than before they left:…

Speaking in support of Julian Assange and Wikileaks

This week’s British Supreme Court decision over Julian Assange was yet another step in the farcical legal case against the Wikileaks publisher. Australian and American politicians have shown over the last years a disturbing desire to shut Wikileaks down. Let them try. They will fail. There was a large rally in Sydney this week in…

Christos Tsiolkas takes his #LeftTurn

Today the book I co-edited with Jeff Sparrow, Left Turn, is officially released. Buy one, buy ten, tell your friends! An extract of the chapter by famous writer Christos Tsiolkas appears in the Adelaide Review this month: One of the most uncomfortable viewing experiences I’ve had in my life came watching an episode of… John Safran…

#LeftTurn editors talk to each other

Following the very positive of my new book Left Turn from leading independent bookstore Readings this week, here’s an interview between co-editor Jeff Sparrow and myself: Editors Antony Loewenstein and Jeff Sparrow discuss… Left Turn… – a collection of essays from our leading political writers, including Larissa Berendht, Christos Tsiolkas, Guy Rundle and more Antony Loewenstein: You…

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