Zionist state committing suicide with its eyes open

A new BBC poll finds popularity of Israel at a welcome low globally. These numbers in Australia reveal the profound disconnect between political elite opinion and the general public: In the EU countries surveyed, views of Israeli influence have hardened in Spain (74% negative ratings, up 8 points) and in France (65%, up 9 points)…

The right to protest in Australia for Palestine

This really shouldn’t even be a story. Of course, the Zionist lobby (who should be called the Israeli propagandist lobby) don’t think Palestinians should be heard at all. Here’s Vic Alhadeff, a paid lobbyist who simply repeats everything spoken by the Netanyahu government (anti-intellectualism has a new name), condemning Sydney-siders who want to commemorate the…

When if ever will South African Jews not embrace victimhood?

Tragically, many Australian Jews take comfort from this same delusion, almost enjoying imagining it’s 1933. All the time. This piece from a South African newspaper highlights the dilemma and hopes for a much better future: Of all the studies conducted on the position of the Jewish establishment during apartheid, perhaps the most authoritative has been…

Serco Australia loves more refugees because profits are booming

The only people really benefitting from the steady stream of asylum seekers to Australia are the heads of multinational Serco. Sydney’s Sun Herald reports: A surge in asylum seeker boats has delivered an explosion in profits for the private company operating Australia’s detention centres. Serco Australia, a division of a British multinational, enjoyed a 45…

The Australian right to target businesses complicit with Israeli occupation

The position of BDS [boycott, divestment and sanctions] in Australia remains highly relevant. Debating Israeli apartheid in Palestine is necessary. This case starts today: On May 1, 19 Melbourne activists will be put on trial for their political activity. In a precedent-setting case, these pro-Palestine activists will be fighting a variety of charges designed to…

Private military and intelligence still alive and well in Afghanistan

My following investigation appeared in Australian publication Crikey last week: The private security compound is on the outskirts of Kabul, along the road to Jalalabad, a notorious strip of highway, the landscape is predominantly industrial, with shipping containers set against a string of mountains on the horizon. Several logistics companies sit behind these concrete walls”‰—”‰this…

ABCTV News24”²s The Drum on Afghanistan and Murdoch scandal

Last night I appeared on ABCTV’s The Drum (video here) talking about a range of Australian issues, Afghanistan and Murdoch thuggery in Britain. Having just returned from Pakistan and Afghanistan, I talked about the reality of life in the latter under Western occupation and what’s likely to happen once most troops leave at the end…

Australia sharing disaster capitalism skills with Afghanistan

Dispiriting news. Australia, apparently so proud of exploiting resources, now wants to share this knowledge with a poor nation such as Afghanistan that is open to vulture capitalists. The Australian reports: Afghanistan is looking to the Australian mining industry for instruction and investment as the war-torn nation stakes its stability and economic future on the…

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