Rejecting Serco in Australia

All power to these people, highlighting to the public the reality of the rapacious British multinational Serco: Opponents of the privatisation of government services today took their concerns to the door of the Perth office of multi-national provider, Serco. About 60 people under the banner of Occupy Perth – the same group that held a…

Understanding PNG and how the resource curse infects everything

During my recent visit to the country, not a day passed when a land-owner or NGO didn’t complain about the negative effects of Western corporations on daily lives; exploitation supported by a corrupt political elite. Some recently released documents via Wikileaks provides a grim picture. Both are written by Australian journalist Philip Dorling. The most…

Frank Lowy’s key role in backing occupying Israel

As one of Australia’s richest and most influential men, Frank Lowy deserves far more scrutiny than the political or media elites give him. The Power Index profiles him… and features some quotes from yours truly: It’s no surprise Lowy is a passionate supporter of Israel, telling the NSW parliamentary inquiry into the Orange Grove affair in…

ABC Radio National on beards, cider and extreme retro

Sometimes it’s time to talk about issues apart from politics (even for me). I was the guest on yesterday’s ABC Radio National’s Common Knowledge: What’s behind the… kooky ad campaign… featuring two delivery girls on a tandem bicycle and with golden plaits and the faces of bearded men? Who is it targeting and what is the surreal…

Helping PNG by leaving the country breath on its own

During my recent visit to Papua New Guinea, I constantly heard complaints about the absurd number of Western advisers who were coming to the country telling locals how to live their lives. It’s a form of neo-colonialism. This is therefore good news: Australia’s international aid agency says it has now saved more than $US90 million…

Civil strife serious possibility in PNG due to vulture capitalism

My following investigation appears in Crikey today: The story led the business pages in Papua New Guinea’s… Post-Courier… in early February. “Analyst: PNG on verge of change” screamed the headline. British-based market analysts Bdaily Business Network praised the $US17.3 billion Exxon-Mobil led LNG project. “[It] is the most important single development in the history of PNG”, it…

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