Israeli BDS campaigners support Australian BDS activists

Following the establishment pressure on Australian BDS activists – a futile attempt to silence people speaking out for Palestine by accusing them of Nazi-style tactics – here’s Israeli BDS campaigners sending a message of solidarity: We, Israeli citizens, members of Boycott! Supporting the Palestinian BDS Call from Within, would like to express our solidarity with…

Defending BDS activists to speak out against the crimes of the Zionist state

Following news this week that the Victorian government is investigating the role of all those “radicals” who dare protest an Israeli business that backs an occupying army, today’s development is ominous and suggests a wider public campaign is required. If any establishment figure wants to charge people for speaking up for Palestine and highlighting in…

When politicians and journalists dance incestuously

My following book review appeared in yesterday’s Sydney Sun Herald newspaper: Sideshow Lindsay Tanner (Scribe, $32.95) “Australia and its people deserve much better than the carefully scripted play-acting that now dominates our nation’s politics.” So begins former ALP minister Lindsay Tanner’s timely examination of the toxic relationship between corporatised media and its political cousins. Politics…

Anything to distract from crimes in Palestine; Australia to make BDS illegal?

This story is almost comical but shows the desperation of the establishment in Australia to silence any serious, legitimate and legal civil disobedience against Israel crimes. Ignore the shameful spin; this has nothing to do with targeting Jewish businesses because they’re Jewish; when the “peace process” fails, Israel must pay a price for occupying the…

Is Australia capable of showing any backing for Palestine?

On current evidence, the Australian government is (close to being) utterly captured by the Zionist lobby, the US alliance and blindness towards racial apartheid in the occupied territories. Are we capable of leading on this issue, and recognising that simply indulging Israeli behaviour is the worst possible friendship? Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd wants Australia to…

Here’s how Israelis become racist brutes in the IDF

The evidence is clear and reminds us of similar, colonial-era nations, including Australia, desperate to prove the morality of its ethnic cleansing: (via the UK Observer): Nurit Peled-Elhanan, an Israeli academic, mother and political radical, summons up an image of rows of Jewish schoolchildren, bent over their books, learning about their neighbours, the Palestinians. But,…

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