Serco making money from the noble act of volunteering

A privatised future that gives us all a chill, writes Zoe Williams in the Guardian: It is pointless at this stage to pretend to be surprised that charities are facing …£100m worth of cuts to their local authority funding, although it is ironic that the sector most flattered by “big society” rhetoric should be the…

What scared Zionists need to hear daily; everybody hates us, always

Just what the Australian Jewish community needs. A leading Jewish American, Zionist lobbyist – David Harris is the Executive Director of the the American Jewish Committee – comes here and talks about how weak Jews are and how the world hates Jews/Israel/democracy. Make people scared. Keep them ignorant. Don’t explain why growing numbers of people…

Few thoughts about Palestinian Authority spokesman Ghassan Khatib

I heard him speak yesterday at the New South Wales parliament (he’s in Australia trying to convince the madly pro-Zionist Australian government to view Palestinians as human beings, so good luck with that). Khatib talked about the proposed UN vote on Palestine in September and spoke creatively about the alleged readiness of Palestine for statehood,…

This is called making peace with Murdoch because you need him

Desperate political times result in an Australian Prime Minister asking for fair coverage of her policies; this is also known as bowing to what the Murdoch empire wants and should not receive; elevation of its perceived power. Stop indulging the unethical grubs: After months of festering tensions between the government and News Ltd, the Prime…

Questioning the Serco allure

We read staff of British multinational Serco are suing for excessive suffering in Australia: The federal government is facing a new multi-million-dollar litigation threat from dozens of ex-detention centre officers, citing psychiatric harm suffered at the centres. University of NSW psychiatry expert Dr Zachary Steel said several such cases were pending in courts around the…

Is Serco really able to handle Australia’s asylum seeker trauma?

Thankfully and finally, Australia’s Ombudsmen will be investigating the high rate of self harm in immigration detention and the role, responsibility and actions of British multinational Serco. But, according to this report in today’s Australian by Paige Taylor, the contractor has little understanding of the conditions under which refugees find themselves (and where the government…

US Zionist lobby head says Israel may just survive despite BDS

The fact that such a figure can create such hysteria about BDS shows how effective it has become. And why? Because Zionism is addicted to occupation and oppressing Palestinians. That’s rather hard to defend, if the facts are actually heard. From the Australian Jewish News (aka the Pro-Colonist Times): One of America’s most high-profile Jewish…

Was Murdoch also given the nuclear codes?

Here in Australia, we need to know when our political leaders met key figures in the Murdoch empire (and other media players) and why they met: The extraordinary access that Cabinet ministers granted Rupert Murdoch and his children was revealed for the first time yesterday, with more than two dozen private meetings between the family…

ABCTV News24 on massacre in Norway and refugee swap with Malaysia

I appeared on ABCTV News 24’s The Drum last night (video here) talking refugees and the mass killings in Norway. I argued that the Australian government’s refugee swap deal with Malaysia was nothing more than an attempted political fix to allow Julia Gillard to say she’s stopped the boats. But the human rights conditions in…

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