Poor little Murdoch hacks don’t like being challenged

Get used to it. Wendy Bacon, professor of journalism at the Australian Centre for Independent Journalism at the University of Technology, Sydney, writes today that the empire is feeling real pressure for the first time in living memory: On Thursday, with News Corporation awash in allegations of criminality and failed corporate governance, I sent an…

So this is the culture inside News Limited

As the Australian Murdoch empire begin a comical defence of its glorious and ethical journalistic traditions – “What? Us? With an agenda? We’re just here to hold governments to account!” – a far more honest account of life inside the empire by Michael Williams, Senior Lecturer Print and Online Journalism at the University of Central…

The glorious Afghan war is money down the drain (into the pockets of thugs)

This is what US/Australian/British liberation looks like: A lack of U.S. coordination compounded by Afghan foot-dragging has stymied efforts to track billions of aid dollars poured into Afghanistan’s economy in the past decade, providing potential opportunities to launder money and finance the insurgency, according to Afghan officials and a new U.S. government audit. The audit,…

Zionists get priorities right; phone hacking, whatever. Israel main concern

JTA reports: Murdoch’s affection for Israel arose less out of his conservative sensibility than from his native Australian sympathy for the underdog fending off elites seized by conventional wisdoms, according to Isi Liebler, a longtime Australian Jewish community leader who now lives in Israel. “From my personal communications with him, it’s something that built up,”…

Defending the right of David Hicks to live as a normal citizen

As Australian authorities attempt to pursue former Guantanamo Bay prisoner David Hicks – tortured, held illegally and still pursued by leeches who love the authoritarian impulse of US foreign policy – a number of Australians, including me, are speaking out. Thanks to Overland journal for organising this: On 20 July 2011, the Australian government served…

What Australian politicians must ask media heads and not just Murdoch

We’re learning more and more about the culture of entitlement, arrogance and denial within the Murdoch empire. Here in Australia, there are growing calls for a parliamentary inquiry into the power of the media and lack of regulation. New Matilda has a few ideas and I was asked for mine: A parliamentary inquiry into the…

Remembering what Chomsky does to help people in countless places

As Noam Chomsky prepares to arrive in Australia later in the year to receive the Sydney Peace Prize, haters routinely forget the tireless work by the American intellectual behind the scenes on behalf of those persecuted by governments. This campaigning is rarely acknowledged and it often comes at some personal cost. Below is one case…

What Murdoch thugs fear most; sunlight

Wendy Bacon, a journalist for the Australian Centre for Independent Journalism at the University of Technology, writes in New Matilda that now is the time to seriously investigate the power of the Murdoch empire in Australia. It’s called democracy, hacks: There are two main ways of thinking about freedom of expression in the context of…

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