Serco and Australian government see no evil, hear no evil

The ever-increasing growth of Serco in Australia is occurring while the company faces intense scrutiny over its record managing refugees in immigration. This story on ABC TV Lateline highlights the problems. I’m having a growing number of former and current Serco staff approaching me and wanting to speak about what they’re seeing in Australia’s dysfunctional…

Serco expands its reach into West Australian justice

Here’s how corporate government works in the modern age. Multinationals, such as Serco, talk about “efficiency” and “saving money” and are given more contracts even though their own record of appropriate delivery and transparency are far from optimal (and that’s being uber kind). So this news is hardly surprising. Welcome to your privatised world: The…

The West has much to learn post Bin Laden death

My following article appears in today’s ABC’s The Drum: The triumphalism after the American targeted assassination of Osama bin Laden is a sure sign that the US is incapable of understanding the significance of the painful years since September 11. We suffered and now you must, too. “I’ve never been so excited to see the…

What a real political party does; enforce human rights norms in Palestine

Following the circus of Sydney’s Marrickville council and its (brief) embrace of Palestinian rights through BDS, major questions remain; what will it take for a major political party, such as the Greens, to place human rights at the centre of its being? What excuses will be made to avoid this? And what “red lines” will…

ABCTV News24 on Bin Laden and why resistance won’t die

I appeared tonight on ABCTV News’ The Drum (video here) talking about Osama Bin Laden’s murder and its ramifications, alongside Australian Financial Review journalist David Crowe, US Studies Centre Dr Pete Hatemi (formerly in the US military post 9/11) and former CNN correspondent Michael Ware (here’s partial video of the show, mainly featuring the intrepid…

Serco takes business to yet another nation who should know better

British multinational Serco has now officially opened for business in New Zealand (a reader just informed me that Serco was already in the country in the 1990s). With Serco’s behaviour in Australia under intense scrutiny – is the company being continually rewarded for failure? – this official PR statement from the country’s Department of Corrections…

Australia pays Serco and they give us no answers

As Australia’s immigration detention continues moving out of control – over-crowding, mental trauma, privatised and unaccountable care – the British controller of the centres, Serco, is now just trying to shut down debate: The company running Australia’s detention centres is cracking down on guards suspected of talking about what goes on behind the wire. Serco…

In case it wasn’t clear; Australia is America’s bitch

Really: Australia secretly worked with the United States to weaken a key international treaty to ban cluster bombs, leaked US diplomatic cables show. Despite taking a high-profile stance against cluster munitions – condemned as the cause of large numbers of civilian casualties – Australia was privately prepared to pull out of international negotiations on a…

Israel can do what it wants to whomever it wants (says pro-settler Zionist)

Jerusalem Post columnist Caroline Glick loves Zionist aggression…anywhere. In her latest column, she instructs Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu to ignore the world, continue occupying Arabs and expanding the occupation. She even mentions Sydney’s Marrickville (brief) embrace of BDS: The same people telling us to commit suicide now lest we face the firing squad in September…

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