Serco’s trick; reward failure with a pay rise

Australia’s immigration detention centres, woefully mismanaged by Serco and the Federal government, is in chaos. But not to worry. Serco head honcho clearly deserves more money for causing misery to countless thousands: Serco Group Plc (SRP), a U.K. outsourcing company that derived about half its revenue from public-sector contracts last year, raised the pay of…

Time in Australia to pile onto anybody who speaks out against Israel

One: While Andrew Robb describes Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s criticisms of the Greens as ‘contrived’, he accuses the Greens of anti-semitism. It is NSW Greens policy to support a boycott of the state of Israel. Senator elect Leigh Rhiannon told online opinion site New Matilda that the Greens could have campaigned better around the NSW…

Speaking of Murdoch thuggery over Israel/Palestine

Another small step in the glorious path of Rupert Murdoch’s legacy. How can I hate Palestinians this week, my minions? Here’s Australian Murdoch editor David Penberthy writing today about the Greens and racism (this coming from a man who recently suggested backing BDS against Israel was akin to Kristalnacht under the Nazis.). I wrote a…

ALP fails so media goes to the ALP for thoughts?

Sometimes the Australian media is so clueless as to make me wonder why they even bother. The NSW Labor Party was devastated in last Saturday’s election. So who does the mainstream media turn to for thoughts? The Labor Party. New Matilda published my investigation yesterday on the Greens. It’s received a huge response, with many…

The Greens, Palestine and defending BDS during NSW election

My following investigation for New Matilda appears today: Did the Greens’ stance on Israel cost them lower house seats in the NSW election? Antony Loewenstein talks to key Greens about BDS and dirty politics “I mean they just never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.” That’s what NSW ALP campaign spokesperson Luke Foley had…

American public broadcasting loves war and wants to help the Libya mission

Sadly, this has been little different in Australia with the ABC largely only featuring military types, former generals, politicians and so-called experts who endorse the US-led war. Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting shows how not to do it in the US: If public television’s mission is to bring diverse viewpoints to the airwaves, the discussions…

Hands up who wants more nuclear material travelling through Australia?

Sure, Australia already sells the stuff to countless nations around the world but are there any limits to what privatised companies will be allowed to do here? Australian Greens Senator for Western Australia Scott Ludlam has slammed provocative plans by Canadian uranium mining company Cameco to truck uranium through several WA cities and towns. The…

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