What real war coverage should look like

This is remarkable. Returned US army vets giving back their medals of honour near this week’s NATO conference in Chicago. Powerful, poignant and the kind of voices almost never heard in the mainstream media. Much easier and safer to interview generals (hello ABC TV’s 7.30 last night) about a war in Afghanistan that they’ve ruined…

Getting #LeftTurn debate going over gay marriage and equality

A book I co-edited with Jeff Sparrow, Left Turn, is about to launch. One of the contributors, Rodney Croome, a strong advocate of gay marriage, has written a powerful piece in ABC’s The Drum about this issue: The American civil rights movement was a colourful but hollow distraction from the far more important issue of…

Underwear bomber from Yemen? Not so fast

Memo to world; never believe White House spin over terrorism or the countless mainstream media hacks who blindly report it (via Reuters): White House efforts to soft-pedal the danger from a new “underwear bomb” plot emanating from Yemen may have inadvertently broken the news they needed most to contain. At about 5:45 p.m. EDT on…

Assange talks Caged Prisoners, Islam, terrorism and resistance

This week’s episode of … The World Tomorrow – here’s past episodes of this essential program – features former Gitmo prisoner… Moazzam Begg and Asim Qureshi, former corporate lawyer, whose human rights organization Cageprisoners Ltd raises awareness of the plight of prisoners who remain in Guantanamo Bay. They discuss the “war on terror”, Obama and Bush, Islam…

What do Egyptians think?

According to Pew: Opinions of the U.S. and President Obama continue to be overwhelmingly unfavorable. Even American financial assistance is viewed negatively: about six-in-ten Egyptians say both U.S. military and economic aid is having a detrimental impact on their country. Despite these decidedly negative attitudes, most Egyptians want their country’s relationship with the U.S. to…

Assange interviews two key Arab revolutionaries

The World Tomorrow is becoming essential weekly viewing (here’s past episodes). The latest edition features… Alaa Abd El-Fattah from Egypt and Nabeel Rajab from Bahrain, two remarkable men who show dedication to free their countries from internal and external (read US) tyranny:

Our charming Western legacy in Afghanistan

Over a decade occupying the place, hundreds of billions spent and this is the result (via the Washington Post): After signing a 10-year lease and spending more than $80 million on a site envisioned as the United States’ diplomatic hub in northern Afghanistan, American officials say they have abandoned their plans, deeming the location for…

What Obama’s deal with Afghanistan really allows

Away from the slop offered by mainstream propagandists, Washington’s occupation of Afghanistan will continue for years to come, as Gareth Porter explains: The optics surrounding the Barack Obama administration’s “Enduring Strategic Partnership” agreement with Afghanistan and the Memorandums of Understanding accompanying it emphasise transition to Afghan responsibility and an end to U.S. war. But the…

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