Israel doesn’t believe in Egyptian democracy

My following article appears in today’s edition of Crikey: While the Egyptian masses are uprising in unprecedented ways across the country against a Western-backed dictator, Israel fears the worst. The country’s President Shimon Peres said last week that, “no matter what they say, we owe Mubarak true gratitude for being as steadfast as a rock…

Few handy tips to be a “centrist”, pro-Obama stenographer

The ultimate insider news publication is Politico, a how-to-guide to slavishly follow the political and media elites. So I shouldn’t be surprised to read this story entitled, “How Obama plays media like a fiddle“. All hacks, want some Obama love? Follow these tips: Respect the Village Elders Most political reporters live in Washington. So it’s…

Obama on Mubarak; he ain’t so bad really

Barack Obama on Mubarak when speaking to Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly: “He’s been a good partner in relation to the peace with Israel. And with some counter-terrorism.” What’s this code for? We like how he’s repressed the Palestinians and Hamas and tortured “terror suspects” for us: Watch the latest video at

No wonder Egyptians don’t trust the West, why should they?

Robert Fisk on the infantile comments of our leaders towards the Egyptian streets. Perhaps it’s time to throw out our democratically-elected men with some serious people. They couldn’t be much more obsequious: Only when the power of youth and technology forced this docile Egyptian population to grow up and stage its inevitable revolt did it…

Cables of a failed war

Just one of the latest Wikileaks-related cables, this one from London in 2009: Prime Minister Brown was “very pleased” by President Obama’s December 1 speech describing the way forward in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and HMG would like U.S. and UK public statements to remain in synch, Philip Barton, Director, Afghanistan and Pakistan, in the Cabinet…

Finally, what Washington cares about in Arab world; maintaining Zionism

At least the New York Times and Obama administration are honest; for them, Egypt is all about Israel, Israel and Israel: The demonstrations against President Hosni Mubarak’s government in Egypt are rocking the relationship between the United States and its most important Arab ally. But they are also rocking an even more fundamental relationship for…

Watching the US empire crumble in the Arab world, live on TV

How is America viewed in the Arab world, especially Egypt? Ancient, reactionary, dictator-loving, Zionist obsessed and increasingly incapable of influencing events. This is a wonderful thing, as Washington’s main contribution to the Middle East in the last sixty years has been backing brutes and supporting Israeli occupation. Change: In days gone by, it was pretty…

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