What the unhinged Israel lovers want next

Blogger Andrew Sullivan, recently made aware of the disastrous and destructive actions of radical Jews and hardline Zionists, gets it in one: Peter Beinart heralds it in: “Ever since 9/11, according to opinion polls, Republicans have worried more about terrorism than have Democrats. Initially, this fear translated into overwhelming support for military action abroad. But…

How to skewer a President

Never trust the MSM to report politics fairly. Case for the prosecution: The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Are You Ready for Some Midterms? – MSNBC’s Political Narrative www.thedailyshow.com Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party

America, the same old torturing nation as under Bush

This is Obama’s America, siding with those who torture, use rendition and want to keep it secret: A federal appeals court on Wednesday ruled that former prisoners of the C.I.A. could not sue over their alleged torture in overseas prisons because such a lawsuit might expose secret government information. The sharply divided ruling was a…

Obama finds a bankrupt Afghan policy (so he keeps it going)

Ahmad Wali Masoud, former Afghan Ambassador to Britai, and one of the six brothers of the slain Afghan legend Ahmad Shah Massoud, tells the Daily Beast that American backing for Hamid Karzai is leading to possible revolution: Why did they pump billions of dollars into this country through one man, but do not promote political…

Palestine not for sale

I just signed this statement: The US Palestinian Community Network calls upon all organizations, associations, and Palestinian and Arab community groups, as well as solidarity organizations, and individuals, to sign on to the below statement rejecting the resumption of direct negotiations, in the midst of ongoing Israeli structural racism and violence inflicted upon Palestinians, to…

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