Less US involvement in the Mid-East is what’s needed

Page one story today from Israel’s leading paper, Yediot: The Obama administration intends to present Israel and the Palestinians with a new outline for ending the conflict. Yedioth Ahronoth has learned that the Americans will pressure the sides to sign a framework agreement for a final status arrangement within a year — but the agreement…

When will more Jews not back occupation and oppression?

Many Australian Jews see their role as simply backing anything Israel does. Nuke Gaza? No worries. Those Palestinians clearly deserved it. Here’s a letter in this week’s Australian Jewish News that perfectly captures the mood. Thanks for mentioning Independent Australian Jewish Voices! Thank goodness for the unswerving, if not always uncritical, support for Israel by…

America says; democracy in the Mid-East is for pussies

Akiva Eldar in Haaretz on Washington’s desperate attempt to continue to maintain “democratic” Israel in the Middle East and US-backed dictatorships in the rear: Despite the fact that they occurred almost simultaneously, any connection between the withdrawal of American combat troops from Iraq and Washington’s invitation of the leaders of Jordan and Egypt to a…

Peter Beinart in Sydney

Saw Peter Beinart tonight in Sydney. Talking about US power, or lack thereof. He’s articulate, bright and knows his subject. And yet Beinart seems oddly detached from the human beings affected by US foreign policy. Victims of Washington are absent in his analysis. And Beinart didn’t mention Israel. I couldn’t ask my question about his…

Jews who see war through the eyes of Tel Aviv

Tony Karon @ Tom Dispatch attempts to stop the Zionist push for military action against Iran. The fact that the same frauds who pushed us into war against Iraq are now trying similar tactics against Tehran – “Iran is a grave threat etc” – should worry us all.

Transparency in the US

A small but important step of progress thanks to the UN Human Rights Council: The Obama administration has told the United Nations that America’s human rights record is less than perfect but stressed that the U.S. political system has built-in safeguards that promote improvements. In its first-ever report to the U.N. Human Rights Council on…

Obama’s “peace talks” will lead to disaster

How desperate is the Obama administration for an historic handshake on the White House lawn between Israel, the Palestinians and the Americans to seal a “two-state solution”? This is a sham designed to ignore the multiple elephants in the room. It will be opposed by many, including me, until the right of return, shared Jerusalem,…

How could Wikileaks be silenced?

Rest assured the Obama administration is looking for some way to prosecute and silence Wikileaks despite growing evidence that the Pentagon is refusing to assist the group with hiding the identities of possible informers in Afghanistan.

Israel still considering bombing Iran no matter the evidence

Hard to tell if this New York Times story is supposed to calm nerves or simply give neo-cons the excuse to bomb Iran sooner: The Obama administration, citing evidence of continued troubles inside Iran’s nuclear program, has persuaded Israel that it would take roughly a year — and perhaps longer — for Iran to complete…

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