It’s like sharia is invading every American home

America has a serious problem with Muslims: Twenty-eight percent of voters do not believe Muslims should be eligible to sit on the U.S. Supreme Court. Nearly one-third of the country thinks adherents of Islam should be barred from running for President — a slightly higher percentage than the 24% who mistakenly believe the current occupant…

How many Americans hate Islam?

The hysteria over the proposed Islamic centre and mosque near Ground Zero in New York shows most in the political and media elites have failed miserably since 9/11 to explain what Islam is and is not. Anti-Islam bigotry is rising in the US and often connected to the Zionist project. Increasingly, the most vocal backers…

Muslims aren’t all the same (pass onto the clueless)

William Dalrymple in the New York Times talks some sense about Islam and the “war on terror”, a message singularly ignored by many politicians and media hacks: President Obama’s eloquent endorsement on Friday of a planned Islamic cultural center near the World Trade Center, followed by his apparent retreat the next day, was just one…

Bush and Obama both like illegal acts, discuss

The ACLU releases a new report, “Establishing a New Normal”, that explains how the Obama administration has followed most of the Bush years’ worst and illegal practices, such as indefinite detention of “terror” suspects, military commissions, Guantanamo Bay, targeted assassinations (murder in other words) and the list goes on. Change we can believe in. UPDATE:…

Floating towards war with Iran, via Israel and Zionists

I constantly write about Iran because I both fear what Israel and/or America may do to the nation and the profound human rights abuses occurring inside the country. But these days the threat of military action against the Islamic Republic is growing. Many of the same figures who pushed for war against Iraq have now…

Green new world?

The following article is co-written with Lee Rhiannon, New South Wales Greens Senate candidate in the forthcoming collection and appears in Online Opinion: The bottom line for big business is return on investment for shareholders. However, the way a business is perceived as environmentally friendly or destructive seriously affects their profits. This is why corporations…

Talking on ABC TV about elections, Obama, Greens and trains

Last night I appeared on ABC TV’s News24 channel on The Drum panel alongside The Chaser’s Chas Licciardello and former Liberal leader Kerry Chikarovski (video here) We talked about the Australian election campaign and why personality politics is seemingly the name of the game. Policies are mostly secondary items (though there are exceptions). Even those…

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