Shutting Wikileaks is almost pointless now

A clear sign that Wikileaks is feared and will remain so. If Wikileaks is shut down, rest assured rivals will land and take its place. The genie is well and truly out of the bottle: The Obama administration has asked Britain, Germany, Australia, and other allies to consider criminal charges against Julian Assange for his…

Obama’s ongoing gulag at Gitmo

A journalist from the UK Independent writes about arriving in Guantanamo Bay for the trial of Omar Khadr. I like this quote from Clive Stafford Smith, legal director of the London-based human rights group Reprieve: I have met Omar at Guantanamo – he was a child and still had the scars from the injuries he…

War with Iran may have to wait a few more minutes

Leading American Zionist and hawk Jeffrey Goldberg is upset in his meeting with Barack Obama that the US President wasn’t more threatening towards Iran. Diplomacy will supposedly fail, we’re told, despite the fact that Washington has its foot on Tehran’s face.

Washington fails in the Middle East and people notice

The Arab world realises that Barack Obama is George W. Bush with a better speech-writer: A new poll of Arab public opinion finds a significant drop in Arab world views of President Obama from a year ago. The 2010 Arab Public Opinion poll will be released Thursday at the Brookings Institution by Shibley Telhami, of…

What the West has left Iraq

Anthony Shadid writes a powerful piece in the New York Times on the deadly legacy of America in Iraq, in 2003, today and into the future. The occupation isn’t about to end: The morning after President Obama spoke of bringing the war in Iraq to “a responsible end,” insurgents planted their black flag on Tuesday…

Let the post Wikileaks leaking begin

This piece didn’t get the attention it deserves. Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsberg (a clear inspiration to Wikileaks and Julian Assange) told the Washington Post last weekend what documents or information should be leaked and freely available. A truly free society would depend on it: 1. The official U.S. “order of battle” estimates of the…

Obama still hearts poor little Tel Aviv

There is no clash between Israel and America. Business as usual continues: US House appropriators have pushed funding for Israeli missile defense programs to its highest level ever, with $422.7 million now slated for 2011. Last week, the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense added $95.7m. to the original White House funding request for the long-range…

Obama’s Bush mannerisms

The ACLU on Obama’s morphing into George W. Bush: In the eighteen months since the issuance of those executive orders, the administration’s record on issues related to civil liberties and national security has been, at best, mixed. Indeed, on a range of issues including accountability for torture, detention of terrorism suspects, and use of lethal…

BDS backers are basically terrorists in disguise (in hasbara minds)

This is almost funny. Palestinian activists and writers, such as Ali Abunimah and Diana Buttu, backing BDS are, according to this Zionist propaganda video, “anti-Israel” because they don’t accept the two-state solution, a pipe-dream that is both impractical and immoral. Seriously, this is what Zionism is left with; smearing Palestinians who demand full rights instead…

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