Washington and Tel Aviv can’t speak honestly to each other

The Independent’s Patrick Cockburn explains that the power of Israel is declining but Washington is seemingly powerless to control its wild friend: Israel itself is getting politically and militarily weaker. The high point of Israel’s influence in the Middle East was after the peace agreement with Egypt in 1979 which freed it to invade Lebanon…

America doesn’t believe in real democracy, by the way

Note this story in today’s Washington Post: Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton expressed alarm Saturday about what she called a growing crackdown on citizens groups around the world and announced a fund to help them fight back. In what aides called her most important speech in a four-day swing through former Soviet-bloc countries, Clinton…

How close is BP with Obama?

Dahr Jamail is one of America’s finest independent reporters. He’s currently investigating the devastating effects of the BP oil spill: I learn that due to a combination of part of the Mississippi River having been diverted (thus stopping the natural regeneration of land from silt deposits), oyster beds being depleted in the past, oil-production infrastructure…

Why Gillard is acceptable to the foreign policy elites

Scott Burchill, Fairfax National Times, 30 June: It is not a ”privilege” to talk to the US President with our troops at war. The primary goal of the US lobby in Australia is to insulate the alliance from changes of government after elections and leadership movements within the major political parties. Bipartisan support for the…

Obama is a barrier to any kind of Middle East peace

Even if this story is accurate, that US/Israeli relations are struggling, other reports indicate Washington is very happy to continue carrying the water for Tel Aviv, even if it means not releasing Gilad Shalit because it would strengthen Hamas. First, this: Israel’s ambassador to Washington, Michael Oren, denied painting a dark picture of U.S.-Israeli relations…

Obama soon to put serious pressure on Israel (let’s wait and see)

Oh my: The lifting of the blockade on the Gaza Strip and permission for Palestinians to leave the Gaza Strip freely through Israeli border crossings. These are the unequivocal demands that President Barack Obama is expected to make during his meeting with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in the White House in two weeks. If anyone…

Jon Stewart on what journalists should be asking

And it’s not pissing off the US military and missing “access”: The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c McChrystal’s Balls – Honorable Discharge www.thedailyshow.com Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party

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