Paying compensation to all Afghans

Democracy Now! interviews three US soldiers who have fought in Iraq and Afghanistan and now returned to be campaigning vigorously against them. The interview takes place at the US Social Forum, an event that received very little mainstream coverage: VICTOR AGOSTO: Well, I think General Petraeus will be less critical of the Obama administration’s plan…

Julia Gillard will serve our agendas fine, say Washington and Tel Aviv interests

The elevation of Julia Gillard to position of Australia’s new Prime Minister has been welcomed, indeed blessed, by both the Zionist and American lobbies. Gillard can certainly be relied upon to follow her predecessor’s attitude towards the Jewish state and Washington, namely that independent thought is frowned upon and obedience is the necessary Australian way.…

Obama is an anti-Semitic, Jew-hating, Israel loathing man

This is something to savour. An open letter from actor and Republican Jon Voight (father of Angelina Jolie) in the Washington Times: June 22, 2010 President Obama: You will be the first American president that lied to the Jewish people, and the American people as well, when you said that you would defend Israel, the…

Can we have a mature discussion about the war in Afghanistan?

An aide to General Stanley McChrystal (currently in the firing line for making disparaging comments about Barack Obama over Afghanistan) tells journalist Michael Hastings that, “if Americans pulled back and started paying attention to this war, it would become even less popular.” This story isn’t about McChrystal’s criticisms but about the futile war in Afghanistan…

The earth is bleeding thanks to BP

Naomi Klein, one of the finest journalists in the world today, reports extensively on the Gulf of Mexico disaster and finds a disturbing human-led arrogance to try and manage an environment that continues to refuse taming: John Wathen, a conservationist with the Waterkeeper Alliance, was one of the few independent observers to fly over the…

Obama’s zero results in the Muslim world

Commenting on a new Pew study that outlines growing Arab anger towards Barack Obama, Andrew Sullivan signals a win for the Zionist lobby and Israel’s right-wing; singing all the way over the cliff: The Arab world, for reasons both ugly and realistic, was waiting to see if Obama could actually wrest free of the pro-Israel…

The Zionism is sick department

This is the state of public Zionism. J Street founder Jeremy Ben-Ami and Atlantic writer Jeffrey Goldberg talk in New York this week and fear the “demographic challenge” to the Jewish state. Yes, polite language for Palestinians campaigning for one person, one vote. On the more paranoid side, the Jerusalem Post’s Caroline Glick says that…

Help, we’re drowning here in Obama hatred

Yiron Festinger, in Israel’s major paper Yediot, offers some increasingly comical Israel Derangement Syndrome: Prime Minister Netanyahu should not be envied over the challenge posed by the most hostile president in US history; a president who makes the anti-Semite Jimmy Carter look like a Righteous Gentile. However, we should be calling a spade a spade…

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